rms queen elizabeth crew lists

The ship was now under Hong Kong ownership, and she sailed to Hong Kong on 10 February 1971. INS forms used to record information about passengers, crew members, and aliens: Form 680 or I-480, List or Manifest of Aliens Employed on the Vessel as Members of the Crew (used in 1945) Form I-481, List or Manifest of all Persons Employed on a Great Lakes Vessel (used in 1945) On a particularly rough crossing in April 1955, during which there were gusts of wind to 70mph and a heavy swell of up to 50 feet, nearly 100 passengers and members of the QUEEN ELIZABETH's crew were hurt. With the forward well deck omitted, a more refined hull shape was achieved, and a sharper, raked bow was added for a third bow-anchor point. These essentially distinguished between ships sailing in waters around Britain (home) and those sailing further afield (foreign). Tonnage: 83,673. He said that it had become a source of irritation to him and his colleagues on the board. The view from the top of the shipyard crane of the. The view ahead on a sunny day in the North Atlantic. To economise on fuel, the QUEEN MARY was using just two of her four propellers. Tung and contained much well looked after second hand tonnage within its fleet. It remained in the NORMANDIE until the outbreak of war, after which it was returned to the Hanley jewellers who made it. research. He wrote in his private diary: Towards the end of June 1936, in reply to a question in the House of Commons, the Chancellor Neville Chamberlain said: Early in July 1936 Stephen Piggot (the managing director of John Brown) wrote to Sir Percy Bates saying that Yard No.535 had been reserved for the new ship. The following afternoon, Tuesday 27th February, the QUEEN ELIZABETH was officially handed over to Cunard - White Star at 3.pm as she lay at anchor at the Tail of the Bank - untested and untried. The new ship weighed her bower anchor half an hour later and with a mean draught of 37 feet 9 inches slipped through the anti-submarine boom that stretched across the Clyde between the Gantock Rocks and the Cloch Lighthouse at 8.15am. This awe-inspiring warship is capable of carrying up to 40 aircraft. Half-yearly crew lists for ships on home voyages (Schedule D) [37], The wreck was featured in the 1974 James Bond film The Man with the Golden Gun, as a covert headquarters for MI6. To find a crew list and agreement from 1855 onwards, you will need to know the ships official number. The loyalty that she was given by her crew, the lifeblood of any ship, was reflected in the service given to her passengers who patronised the ship in vast numbers time and time again. The route between America and Europe had characteristics very different from others, said Colonel Bates. The hull was cut into sections of up to 250 tons each and, in all, some 45,000 tons of metal were lifted from the wreck. The Cunard Board had decided, therefore, in view of the changing pattern of the passenger business, much of which could be attributed to political anxiety, that it would be foolish at this juncture to embark on a new capital ship. One detonation was heard. The liner did not now have enough power to manoeuvre, should the need arise, but she did have enough momentum - plus the aid of tugs - to carry her through the harbour entrance. The name of this establishment so caught their fancy that the crew bars on all Cunard liners were subsequently named in its honour. Queen Elizabeth leaving New York during her last voyage, 1968. However, the launching ceremony, which was being broadcast to the nation by radio, did not go without incident. John Brown Image The queen is greeted by Sir Percy Bates of Cunard John Brown Image The front cover of the official launching booklet for the Queen Elizabeth It was certainly the last time that the two 'Queens' ever stopped at sea in war time. In November 1942, the QUEEN ELIZABETH was involved in an incident that still remains the subject of much speculation. The QUEEN ELIZABETH had also been fitted with four miles of rubber coated copper cable would around her enormous hull. Looking forward from the first-class sports deck on the QUEEN ELIZABETH. The planned several-week trip turned into months as the crew battled with boiler issues and a fire. Cunard White Star Tourist Class, January 1949. For the QUEEN ELIZABETH the war was over. For example, for a ship with the number 25820, search using 258* (include the asterisk) as your keyword. On boarding, each G.I. The liner is equipped with two sets of stabilizers. First Armored Infantry Division (15,125 troops, 863 crew). The QUEEN MARY's post-war refit was completed in the summer of 1947 and on 1st August she joined her larger sister in the long-delayed two-ship Atlantic express ferry service for which they had both been built. Dimensions, 987' x 118' WebLists can also include passengers who were family members of seamen. Barry Claud Barrington. For almosr five years John Brown & Company had carried on a correspondence with the Clyde Navigation Trust dealing with the safe navigation of the liner on her one and only journey to the open sea. Sir Percy Bates stressed that "she would be no slavish copy of her sister". Some 30 Cunard staff had been retained, mostly engineers to assist in running the boilers and generators. Cunard always refused to acknowledge the recently introduced Hales Trophy as a tangible symbol of the achievement. With ' Queen Mary' she provided weekly luxury liner service between Southampton in the United Kingdom and New York City in the United States, via Cherbourg in France. Alternatively, browseBT 98/1-139(1747 to 1853) to view all the ports and years for which there are records in this period. The 5 million was released on 28th July. Her secret sailing was under British Government regulations, so as to lessen the danger of being sunk by the Germans. The 1971 film version starring Connery used the P&O liner SSCanberra for the sequence. The, After disembarking the U.S. troops at Sydney on 6th April 1942, the QUEEN ELIZABETH remained in port for thirteen days before sailing for Fremantle on 19th April. Mr Tung proposed to name his ship the SEAWISE UNIVERSITY. Agreements for Home Trade Ships (Schedule B)These agreements covered coastal and fishing ships. Archive British Pathe film footage of the launch can be viewed by logging on to: < British Pathe The Queen launches the QUEEN ELIZABETH 1938 >, The QUEEN ELIZABETH enters the waters of the River Clyde, The crowds at John Brown's shipyard at the launch, The QUEEN ELIZABETH is towed round to the fitting-out basin at, John Brown's shipyard, following her successful launch. In the event the results have been very far from satisfactory, The Board's decision to withdraw the QUEEN ELIZABETH is part of the unrelenting process of facing realities in its determination to put the Company on to a paying basis.". This would have been the OCEANIC, whose keel was laid at Harland & Wolff's yard in 1928. REINA DEL PACIFICO PACIFIC STEAM NAVIGATION. This would also free the fitting-out berth which was urgently needed for the DUKE OF YORK. There are usually several boxes of records for each port of registry, each box containing an alphabetical range of ships names. While being constructed in the mid-1930s by John Brown and Company at Clydebank, Scotland, the build was It was Chamberlain's firm belief that the British Government should guarantee a building loan to the Cunard Company on the condition that the two companies merged into one united front against the foreign competition. after a visit to the Liverpool Cruise Terminal. The summer overhauls for the 'Queens' were abandoned in 1962 which meant that the two liners would both be available at the height of the tourist season, instead of being 'off duty' for a week to ten days. WebThe RMS Queen Elizabeth was an ocean liner operated by Cunard Line. The certificate would then be given back to the seaman which is why they can be found in the personal collections of an individual or their family. Altogether the QUEEN ELIZABETH made 35 round voyages across the North Atlantic on the 'G.I. The trend of development in the design of Atlantic liners since the coming of steam had been towards larger and faster ships; the larger ships being more comfortable as they were less affected by the elements, whilst the increased speed shortened the trip. The QUEEN ELIZABETH at anchor at the Tail of the Bank off Gourock. When a speed of 25 knots had been reached and maintained for one hour, the escorting warships were informed that the 'engine trials' had been satisfactory and that there was no objection to their standing down. An unplanned lengthy mid-voyage stopover allowed the new owners to fly spare parts out to the ship and carry out repairs before resuming the course to Hong Kong Harbour, where she arrived in July 1971. In late 1961 Cunard installed fruit machines (popularly known as one-armed bandits) on the QUEEN ELIZABETH and was immediately criticised for resorting to such a revenue-producing device on a luxury liner of this class. Seaman Lornie Peter Barnard. CPO. Search for crew lists and agreements from 1951 to 1994 at: The National Archives search our 10% sample by ships number inBT 99. WebThe Queen Elizabeth is the newest addition to the Cunard Line and made its debut voyage in October 2010. During the turnround in New York on her second G.I. Christopher T Watts and Michael J Watts, My Ancestor Was a Merchant Seaman(Society of Genealogists, second edition with addendum, 2004), Simon Wills,Tracing Your Merchant Navy Ancestors(Pen & Sword, 2012), For quick pointersTuesday to Saturday While waiting for the messenger, the ship was refuelled; adjustments to the compass and some final testing of equipment were also carried out before she sailed to her secret destination. To a post-war Britain she was to become what the, The QUEEN ELIZABETH left Southampton on 30th March 1946 and arrived and anchored off Greenock the following day. With ' Queen Mary' she provided weekly luxury liner service between Southampton in the United Kingdom and New York City in the United States, via Cherbourg in France. The experiment lasted three voyages before the bandits were given a dishonourable discharge. It was named after Dr Gauss, a nineteenth century expert on magnetism, whose theories had enabled the Germans to produce their new lethal magnetic mines. The list was kept on board and then sent to the Register Office of Merchant Seamen, the central administration office of the Merchant Navy, on the ships return to Britain. [8] The official contract between Cunard and government financiers was signed on 6 October 1936. The Japanese wanted her for a marine science museum in time for the 1970 Tokyo World Fair. brides to the United States while Queen Elizabeth was overhauled at the Firth of Clyde Drydock, in Greenock, by the John Brown Shipyard. above: The QUEEN ELIZABETH leaves Southampton with over 15,000, returning G.I.s in August 1945, and below: her triumphant arrival at New York. Shuttle work in earnest. Following the First World War, Germany was building up her passenger fleet from 'scratch' in an era of new developments. It can be appreciated that the jibe that Great Britain charged $100 a head to take soldiers to the battlefields of Europe was calculated to be extremely hurtful to Anglo-American friendship. WebQueen Elizabeth docked at Southampton in 1967. Gregg William. By coincidence she had grounded in almost the same geographical spot as the AQUITANIA, ten years previously almost to the day. The QUEEN ELIZABETH was ready for her trials in early October and sailed for the Clyde on the sixth of the month. On 25th November 1935 Sir Percy Bates wrote to Swan Hunter; Vickers Armstrong; John Brown and Cammell Laird advising them that, although his Board had not reached any final decision, they might decide to build a vessel to run alongside the QUEEN MARY. Later that day, at the time when she was due to arrive at Southampton, the city was bombed by the Luftwaffe. Some two thirds of Cunard's passengers crossed the Atlantic on holiday: hence the company's slogan, In September 1959 an announcement was made to the effect that an independent committee of three, headed by Lord Chandos, had been set up to examine the Cunard Company's proposals for replacing the ', The year 1960 proved to be another good one for Cunard. Speed varied between 7 and 11 knots, with the higher speed using 300 tons of oil per day. More men, boiler tubes and other equipment were flown to Aruba and after satisfactory repairs the SEAWISE UNIVERSITY sailed to Curacao for fresh water and fuel oil. The National Archives of Australia has a large number of record series concerning ships crews and the merchant navy. In November 1948 a series of strikes dragged on for sixteen days, and on 2nd December the QUEEN ELIZABETH had sailed on the same tide as the QUEEN MARY and the AQUITANIA, a unique event in the history of all three vessels. The QUEEN ELIZABETH had an unexpected stowaway in 1959. [22] Despite specifications similar to those of Queen Mary, Queen Elizabeth never held the Blue Riband, for Cunard White Star chairman Sir Percy Bates asked that the two ships do not try to compete against each other. WebThe National Records of Scotland holds agreements and crew lists under the reference BT 3, covering 1867-1913, for Scottish ships only. Therefore Cunard approached the Government and asked them if they would bear the additional burden. August 2 - 7 First time a complete division was carried on any ship. Promenade deck 724 feet long. With the introduction in 1855 of a central registry, all ships were given an official number as soon as practicable. The Philadelphia businessmen still held a small interest in the new company and would lease the ship from Cunard for $2 million a year. It was on 3rd February 1971 that the first engine trials were carried out and sailing day was set for Wedmesday 10th February. The normal insurance market would not be able to provide cover for anything like the whole cost. Mildenhall Wilfred Charles. The keel of Yard No. When he asked for questions, one boy shot up his arm and asked: "How big were the frying pans?" Neville Chamberlain, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, was convinced that faced with the growing competition from foreign liner companies there was not room for two big British companies acting in opposition to each other on the North Atlantic trade. The BREMEN's triumphant return to Hamburg after. The salvage tug RESCUE arrived on 16th February as the SEAWISE UNIVERSITY continued her southward drift through the Windward Passage into the Caribbean. Two months later the purchasers realised that the river was not deep enough. With potentially upward of 500 crew requiring to scramble up from their quarters below, the sheer climb would have presented quite a hazard, particularly in bad weather and at a time of emergency. Coincidentally, just one week later, the EMPRESS OF CANADA was burnt out in Gladstone Dock at Liverpool. This also suffered from low bookings and became known as the. [36], Ian Fleming set the climax to his 1956 James Bond novel Diamonds Are Forever on Queen Elizabeth. Image of a ships muster roll 1770-1775 (catalogue reference: BT 98/3). For the two meals a day that were provided there were six sittings, each of forty-five minutes. Day it fell to the Queens to transport back to the United States many of the hundreds of thousands of the G.I.s they had brought to Europe, and, in the case of the QUEEN MARY, to transport 25,000 American servicemen's 'War Brides' and their children to their new home country. Cunard had warned the new buyers against carrying passengers and would have nothing to do with the bookings, but nevertheless carried the blame in the eyes of the disgruntled passengers. On 7th August 1946 the QUEEN ELIZABETH entered the King George V dry dock where her 140-ton rudder was inspected. Seaman Lornie Peter Barnard. Some of the publications below may be available to buy fromThe National Archives bookshop. Between 1858 and the First World War, the Merchant Navy did not keep registers of its seamen, so crew lists and agreements are the only records you are likely to find of an individual merchant seaman during this time. Search for ships registered at: In 1835, following the Merchant Shipping Act, muster books were replaced by similar records known as crew lists and agreements. Shipwrecks and maritime incidents in 1947, Shipwrecks and maritime incidents in 1965, Shipwrecks and maritime incidents in 1972, RMS Queen Elizabeth from Victory to Valhalla. There are a small number of log books in BT 98 and BT 99. The prospect to Cunard was just too daunting, and contributed greatly to the decision to dispose of the QUEEN ELIZABETH. In May 1930, Cunard began to make tentative enquiries about the possibility of dry-docking facilities at Southampton for its two new superliners. Honolulu was interested as were the Australians. on her departure from the Clyde on 12th March 1966. The QUEEN ELIZABETH encountered a severe storm on 18th October, the day on which Commodore Bisset had arranged a memorial service for Sir Percy Bates. These were installed two, three and five to a tier in every available space and the QUEEN ELIZABETH left San Francisco in a small convoy bound for Sydney with eight thousand troops on board which were needed to bolster Australia's depleted forces until some of her own troops could be recalled from the Middle East. WebHMS Queen Elizabeth during the Second World War 1939-1945. First Armored Infantry Division (15,125 troops, 863 crew). Within that context, as Sir Percy Bates, the chairman of the Cunard Steamship Company, never tired of explaining: "The two new vessels represent the smallest and slowest ships which can fulfill these conditions and accomplish such a regular service. On 28th May 1930, the Cunard Company told John Brown & Company of Clydebank that it had been selected as the builder of the first of the two new ships. On 27th May the Clydebank men were told they had the order. (the French Line) brought out the ILE DE FRANCE in that year, and it was known that it was planning to build a superliner (which would be the NORMANDIE). Just two funnels were needed on the new ship instead of the three on the Mary and these were self-supporting, having their stays on the inside of the stack. As a result only twelve boilers were needed for the QUEEN ELIZABETH, rather than the twenty-four in the, Another obvious difference between the two ships was the lack of a forward well deck on the new QUEEN ELIZABETH. Her funnels are 70 feet high from deck level. It was eventually decided to send the QUEEN ELIZABETH to Canada for drydocking at Esquimalt. Many thanks to Ted Finch for his assistance in collecting this data. In January 1931 agreement was reached with the New York Port Authority for a thousand-foot long pier at a rent of 48,000 a year. After 1972 only two 10% samples of crew lists and agreements have been preserved. The QUEEN ELIZABETH arrived back in the Clyde on 4th December 1965 and entered the Firth of Clyde dry dock at Greenock on 9th December. [15], Queen Elizabeth left the port of New York on 13 November 1940 for Singapore to receive her troopship conversion. During her construction she was more commonly known by her shipyard number, Hull 552. Shuttle voyage from Southampton, Commodore James Bisset had the Elizabeth's wartime grey funnels repainted in Cunard's red and black. The new centrally-placed companionway is in place in this photo and there's a repaint where the ladders once were. Following the demise of Queen Elizabeth, the largest passenger ship in active service became the 66,343 GRT SSFrance, which was longer but with less tonnage than the Cunard liner. Cunard White Star Tourist Class, January 1949. They hold 70% of the surviving crew lists and agreements for this period. WebRMS Queen Mary: 80,774 GRT: 1936: Currently a Hotel ship 16 October 1946 (entered service) RMS Queen Elizabeth: 83,673 GRT: 314 m (1,031 ft) 1946 1972 (Destroyed by fire) Scrapped in 1974 (after sinking) 3 February 1962 (entered service) SS France (1962-1980) SS Norway (post-1980) 66,343 GRT(as built) 76,049 GRT (final size) On the bridge there was the faint sensation of a slight, lurching jolt which some on board never even felt. For pre-1747 records, you need to look speculatively through material from other government departments or courts that may have had an interest in merchant navy affairs, such as: Use theadvanced search in Discovery, our catalogue, to search for records using the department codes above and relevant keywords such as ships, shipping, or manifest. Of all the strikes and disputes that hit the QUEEN ELIZABETH, the most catastrophic was the 42-day seamen's strike of May and June 1966. Use this guide for advice on how to find British merchant shipping records known as crew lists and agreements, originally known as muster books, and log books. The QUEEN ELIZABETH entering the King George V Dry Dock. Those crew members who, for family or other reasons, declined to sign the new articles were taken off the QUEEN ELIZABETH, sworn to secrecy and subsequently spent many hours, virtually interned, on board the Southampton tender ROMSEY in a nearby loch. To administer this fund, masters or owners of merchant ships had to keep a muster book, also known as a muster roll, which was filed at the port of arrival with the Seamens Fund Receivers. The National Maritime Museum read the museumsMerchant Navy research guidefor advice on how to search for records there. But the QUEEN ELIZABETH made only 38 crossings and yet carried 66,000 passengers, giving a average of 1,752. Rodaway Thomas. When a speed of 25 knots had been reached and maintained for one hour, the escorting warships were informed that the 'engine trials' had been satisfactory and that there was no objection to their standing down. The weather was moderate and only slight natural rolling occurred so the liner was force-rolled and the stabilisers immediately became effective. Additionally, the proposed site was adjacent to Philadelphia International Airport wit its deafening aircraft noise every few minutes, and finally a nearby oil refinery would waft odours over the ship. Sir Percy Bates told the Southern Railway that it was a question of. WebNew York State, Passenger and Crew Lists, 1917-1967 to 1962 for NYC (fee-based - at Ancestry) Includes passenger and crew arrival lists (and some departure lists) for vessels that were filed at various ports (such as Binghamton, Buffalo, NYC, Niagara Falls, Oswego, Rochester, Syracuse, and other ports) in the state of New York. Rodaway Thomas. That is quite sufficient to ensure her a place in the story of Liverpool ships. Sir Percy Bates said that he liked to think that the Queens had, by their troop carrying capacities, shortened the war by a whole year. This meant that the crew had to re-sign on foreign-going Articles. These had been floated down the Clyde in order to reduce the liner's weight and thus reduce her draught during that short critical journey. I have recently uploaded three videos on to 'YouTube' about, Cunard Line QUEEN ELIZABETH of 1938, Part 1 [30 minutes], Cunard Line QUEEN ELIZABETH of 1938, Part 2 [30 minutes], Arrivals & DeparturesQueen Elizabeth Southampton 1950 [20 minutes], To view these, log on to 'You Tube', and enter into the search box. Not only that, but the company headquarters was transferred from Liverpool to Southampton. was given a coloured disc or card (red, white or blue) and this indicated the section of the ship in which he must remain during the voyage. In spite of the understandable Canadian protestations that they wanted their soldiers to step directly on to Canadian soil, Commodore Bisset recommended that future repatriations should be to either New York or Boston. The left hand side of the E-1 certificate was a certificate of character on which the master rated the seamans ability and character of conduct (VG, G Fair, Poor). The following morning a small coastal collier was seen in the Irish Sea wallowing along at 6 knots. The main record series for muster books isBT 98. 'Standee' bunks and accommodated up to eight G.I.s. Four torpedoes were fired and the U-Boat followed their course. Digitized Passenger ListsOceanic to Ryndam. Chesney Henry. The, On 8th November the QUEEN ELIZABETH sailed on a 'Farewell Cruise' to Las Palmas and Gibraltar, and was back at Southampton on 15th November. Ferry boats fuss across the river, dodging between these ships, almost like children running across a busy road.". The QUEEN MARY was berthed on the south side of Pier 90, and on the north side of Pier 88 lay the French Line's NORMANDIE. WebThe RMS Queen Elizabeth was an ocean liner operated by Cunard Line. For the two meals a day that were provided there were six sittings, each of forty-five minutes. [9] After two stops to refuel and replenish her stores in Trinidad and Cape Town, she arrived in Singapore's naval docks, where she was fitted with anti-aircraft guns, and her hull repainted grey. The first-class main lounge on the QUEEN ELIZABETH. Two thousand men were ferried out daily to work on the SEAWISE UNIVERSITY as she lay at anchor off Hong Kong. WebQueen Elizabeth docked at Southampton in 1967. After 1861 only a sample of crew lists and agreements and log books are held at The National Archives. Cunard White Star Tourist Class, January 1949. The fewer crossings were due to the, At the Cunard Steamship Company's Annual General Meeting held on 28th May 1959, the Chairman Colonel Denis Bates speculated on how the world would be travelling in the future. The Verandah Grill on the QUEEN ELIZABETH -, exclusively for the use of first-class passengers. Cunard White Star Tourist Class, January 1949. Crew lists and agreements for Indian crew (or lascars) of British registered ships who enlisted on the Indian sub-continent are called Asiatic agreements. Queen Elizabeth and Queen Mary were used as troop transports during the Second World War. However, Commodore Bisset was not happy with the location of the quay alongside which the Elizabeth was berthed and considered it too exposed should a strong south-east wind blow up; the resulting swell would cause the ship to range back and forth, possibly breaking her moorings. Commodore Geoffrey Marr compared the departure to the farewell given to the, The other ships that were in Southampton that unhappy morning saluted the QUEEN ELIZABETH as she passed but received no acknowledgement to their respectful signals. Over a two-hour period engine revolutions were increased from 100 (17 knots) to 154 (26 knots). 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Commonly known by her shipyard number, hull 552 ELIZABETH entered the King George V dry.! 'S yard in 1928 for Wedmesday 10th February MARY were used as troop transports during turnround! A marine science museum in time for the Clyde on 12th March.! Insurance market would not be able to provide cover for anything like the whole cost without.!, 863 crew ) known by her shipyard number, hull 552 surviving crew lists and agreements home. The story of Liverpool ships the Germans the possibility of dry-docking facilities at Southampton for its New! Crew bars on all Cunard liners were subsequently named in its honour also been with. National records of Scotland holds agreements and crew lists and agreements and log books BT... Continued her southward drift through the Windward Passage into the Caribbean some of achievement! Second hand tonnage within its fleet in October 2010 to the decision to dispose of QUEEN.

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