it follows greg death scene

Unlike many horror film protagonists, Jay and her friends are also unusually empathetic and supportive of one another in an uncaring world. The critical consensus states: "Smart, original and, above all, terrifying, It Follows is the rare modern horror film that works on multiple levels and leaves a lingering sting. The only things seemingly known for certain about It Follows'entityis that its curse is passed on through sex, and when it eventually kills its latest target, it heads back to get the previous one and so on. It's not only a movie about fear, or death, but also about shame. "[31], Following the film's success, Radius-TWC co-president Tom Quinn announced that the studio was looking into a possible sequel. The actual death is very brief and is only onscreen . [3], It Follows received critical acclaim. She's not shown close or long enough to make a positive identification, but the best guess based on characters seen in the film is Hugh's mom. Here's a guide toIt Follows entity's every form it takes in the movie. However, when Paul volunteers to let Jay pass the curse on to him, she eventually agrees, and the two have sex. Jay leaves in abject terror.Up until this point, the entity only appeared from a safe distance. And I dont care who you are, that above-ground pool isnt heated so if its cold enough you need that fur-lined getup, you are NOT swimming outside at the same time. We probably don't need to guess what she wanted from the guys on board. It didn't rape Greg to death. But I do want to say that when I wrote this, I had some bigger set pieces, a few things that I sort of simplified, and some stuff that we chose to cut out because of the budget and time, so there's all kinds of fun things that could be done with this concept and story. A slow-burning scene from the atmospheric horror film "It Follows" (2014). for more powerful, inventive, and art. There are many examples of the different forms it takes on, and you can interpret the purpose of each one however you want. With a minimalist approach to storytelling, the success ofIt Followsas a compelling horror film owes much to Mitchell's use of wide shots and distinct visual style and production design. The worst thing is that it is certain.". Right after the two have sex for the first time, Hugh disappears from her life. It can look like a stranger or someone she knows, only she can see it, and if it ever catches her, she will die. And death isn't a giant horrifying monster that's running at you and screaming at the top of its lungs. Hugh explains that he has passed an entity on to her through intercourse. Similarly, later when Kelly and Jay are wandering the neighborhood, theyre both dressed for at the very least pretty chilly weather. It has some kind of insight into determined causality of events. The idea of a monster that kills teenagers for being promiscuous is certainly not new. Related: Every Form Pinhead Has Taken In The Hellraiser Franchise. Subtle shifts in seasons and time subconsciously unsettle as viewers cannot place when and where the narrative takes place. Even if you try to solve it. Some horror movies are easy to forget. It's precisely because Jay doesn't see her that Hugh knows he's in serious trouble. We know that the entity is not a ghost and has a physical form. Seeing as how Jay and Paul are seen walking down the street holding hands in the films closing scene, it looks like the two end up together. That IT has a physical body. It Follows debuted at the 2014 Cannes Film Festival and was later purchased by Radius-TWC for distribution. It jumped on him, killed him by some method we don't see, and then just kind of dry humped him. Height. He then drives them away from the area, dropping a shaken and exposed Jay off in front of her house before fleeing. With no It Follows sequel seemingly on the horizon, that mysteryis likely to stay unsolved, but as some other instances of horror movies filling in monster backstories prove, sometimes the mystery is the better option. It was released theatrically in France on February 4, 2015 and in the United Kingdom on February 27. Upon realizing that the entity has a physical body and is not just a. All around the pool, they plug in dozens of electric appliances hair dryers, televisions, toaster ovens, and more. Jay responds, "I don't want to tell you." Paul and Kelly arrive, confused as they insist no one else is in the house. The movie wanted us to make that connection. It is a supernatural being that incessantly pursues its victims at a walking pace. Staring out of the classroom window, she spies an older woman in a hospital gown crossing the grounds, seemingly unseen by those around her.Highly disturbed, Jay's friends agree to spend the night to keep her company. The movie was a great commercial and critical hit. This hints that Jay and Kellys father, who remains unseen throughout the film, likely died (or disappeared) many years ago, which is why the entity takes on the appearance of what he looked like when the girls were still children. The film doesnt go out of its way to tie things up and ends on a sinister note. That night, someone smashes the kitchen window; Paul investigates but sees no one. I don't, however, believe that The Follower's form when it killed Greg was simply out of convenience. [19] The film made its international debut in the United Kingdom on February 27, 2015, where it earned $573,290 (371,142) on 190 screens for the #8 position. However, Jay spends the rest of the movie attempting to outrun and outsmart the entity. As she bolts past another house, there are clearly pumpkins on the porch. Theyre meant to alert him in case anything enters. It's the disheveled woman's visual that makes this scare so powerful, as Mitchell employs conventional tactics to induce goosebumps between the ominous music stings and slowed down focus on the intended victim. In the distance, a figure slowly approaches from behind. It's likely that Annie, the girl killed at the beginning of the film, was a former lover of his that he sacrificed to the creature. Buy IT FOLLOWS on:Steaming (rental option available) links) - As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchasesCar icon from (shirts \u0026 pins) (livestreaming) Editors: Bry \u0026 Joshua LyonsThanks, Bry \u0026 Joshua!Graphics created by Clara LeonardDead Meat Podcast (Now back from hiatus!) Hugh points out a young girl in the back of the theater. The abruptness of its appearance delivers another potent scare, clocking in just two minutes after the previous encounter. Ruby Harris also portrays the entity while it is in the form of Greg's mother and Ele Bardha portrays it in the form of Jay's father. She's the naked lady. Read More: Is It Follows Based on a True Story? Since the monster passes from one person to another when they hook up, this interpretation states that the theme of the film is simply "sex is bad, and it will kill you.". That night, Paul drives through town, passing prostitutes. She refuses help offered to her by a neighbor and quickly gets into her car and drives away. It Follows (2014) 3 Rated-ARRR 8 yr. ago It was a really good movie. [12][13] It was released on February 2, 2015, via Editions Milan Music with a digital booklet. There's also decent evidence that Jay herself passed the curse along. Jay, waiting in the pool, spots the entity and realizes it has taken the appearance of her deceased father. Worried that she's suffering a mental breakdown, Jay's sister Kelly (Lili Sepe), friends Yara (Olivia Luccardi) and Paul (Keir Gilchrist), and neighbor Greg (Daniel Zovatto) rally around her. Let's run down the evidence for each one. It sounds cool on paper, but in terms of whether or not we'd actually like to see Follow It, to be honest, we're a little uncertain. The police can find no trace of the naked woman or Hugh, as they discover it was a fake identity. Jay and her remaining comrades attempt to make a stand against the entity at a local indoor pool, and of course, the creature twists the knife by making its final form during this confrontation as Jay's deceased father. The Follower may also represent the anxiety of STDs, adulthood, the fear of poverty (Yara has an important monologue about Detroit)I've read a slew of interpretations, few of which completely miss the mark. Jays peach-pink underwear set just scream 1950s. The music crescendos with a pulsing beat, signaling that a. So Yara's quote clearly demonstrates how both these works have mortality on their mind. In fact, we barely see it at all, until the end when its blurry and not the focal point of the shot. (Which I want. In the climactic scene at the pool where the group tries to electrocute It, the entity appears as a middle-aged man. There are 2010-era modern cars but there are vintage cars as well in perfect condition. "[26] Ignatiy Vishnevetsky of The A.V. His identity is also confirmed by a family photo. That tendency may not be entirely born of sadism, as in a few cases it also seems to be trying to confuse its victim long enough to get caught. Jay gets ready for her date with Hugh, and the two go to the cinema. Mitchell intentionally creates a contrast to give his feature a timeless quality. She keeps saying There he is! When her sister Kelly asks what it looks like, her response is: I dont wanna tell you. Upon revealing IT, we see a normal-looking man in his late 30s-early 40s. ", Now for the biggest question of all, what is It? After a successful limited release beginning on March 13, 2015, the film had a wide release on March 27, 2015. Jeff explains that the entity began pursuing him after a one-night stand and that Jay can pass it on by having sex with someone else. They seem normal enough. It takes various forms until, somehow, it knows when it will be able to destroy your body in its very specific way. The Idiot is an extremely dense and complex text, and if we tried to explain everything going on in that novel, we'd be here all day, but if you're wondering whether or not it has any similarities to It Follows, the short answer is a resounding yes! It Follows is currently the highest-rated film on Metacritic, though some critics have actually found it too scary. Mmm sorry but Word of God did confirm that It rapes to death, is just that the movie probably wasn't going to show it because it would be too graphic, is PG-13 if IIRC. Did you also notice that again, except for the last shot of her in Jays bedroom, her mother is always day drinking? It will perpetually be walking towards Jay's location at all times, no matter where she is. The entity also seemingly stalks only one person at a time, as it doesnt attack Jay until Greg (to whom she passes the curse) is dead. However, Jay spends the rest of the movie attempting to outrun and outsmart the entity. There are other clues given to us purely through storytelling and small details rather than having the characters get right up in your face and shout what youre supposed to know. Viewers continue to debate the answer. The entity didn't just enter her home to claim her, but it exploited her trauma, too. It Follows Spoiler Bomb: The Director Explains All Those Twists and Shocks By Kyle Buchanan Photo: RADiUS/TWC It Follows has quickly become the horror hit of the year, expanding into over 1,200. Whatever I was going through at that time, my parents divorced when I was around that age, so I imagine it was something to do with that. Powered by VIP. So what's this quote from? The fact that so many viewers come away with the idea that this is clearly the message of the film means that, on some level, "sex is bad, and it will kill you" is one potential reading of the movie that we're forced to admit is a valid one. Not a day older. Other horror movies make an impression. Height's fate isn't explained in It Follows but he's clearly not in the picture anymore. Bizarrely, Jay sees him standing atop the roof, and not actively pursuing her, which is out of character. Despite not having any hard evidence of this creature's existence, Jay's friends decide to believe her story and band together to come up with a plan to kill this monster once and for all. Assume Annie, the first victim (Bailey Spry), does drive far enough away, but it still kills her. Death isn't scary because it will catch you today or tomorrow. Because of this trauma, Jay becomes "haunted" by the event, represented by a monster that now follows her. Based on how confidently he knocked out Jay with chloroform, it didn't seem like his first time. Okay, fine, maybe late summer/early fall. Jay, Paul, Kelly, and Yara then come up with a plan to try and stop the entity and head to the community pool. She takes her parents' car and drives to the beach, where she tearfully tells her father over the phone that she loves him. Therefore, the major reason the two are together is most likely so they dont have to deal with the entity alone. When Jay gets cursed after a sexual encounter, she finds herself being stalked and tries to grapple with the sinister entity that keeps changing its appearance and showing up unexpectedly. hanging around the windows and doors. as a compelling horror film owes much to Mitchell's use of wide shots and distinct visual style and production design. Jay, Kelly (Lilie Sepe), Paul (Keir Gilchrist), and Yara (Olivia Luccardi) break into an indoor public pool after hours. As Jay struggles to stay afloat, her friends intervene. In that time, Michael has written over 2000 articles for the site, first working solely as a news writer, then later as a senior writer and associate news editor. Maika Monroe stars as Jay Height, a carefree teen whose life is upended thanks to a bizarre sexual encounter with her new boyfriend Hugh (Jake Weary). The camera slows down, and all music fades, save for the drumming beat, as Jay walks into the kitchen. [4] Keir Gilchrist, Daniel Zovatto, Jake Weary, Olivia Luccardi, and Lili Sepe appear in supporting roles.[5]. The director has stated in various interviews that he intentionally mixed in a bunch of different bits of fashion and technology from different decades, to keep the film from becoming immediately dated and to give it a bit of a timeless and dreamlike feel. Even though Pauls crush on Jay is evident from the start, the latter is clearly not interested in dating her childhood friend, who is a far cry from the hunky boys she seemingly goes out with. We know that the entity sometimes impersonates the loved ones of its victims, so who is It impersonating here? The audience doesn't get to see the entity's initial appearance in It Followsbecause Jay doesn't, and she's the focal character. She approaches the pool and sees no body, but a mist of blood. It Follows is a 2014 American supernatural psychological horror film written and directed by David Robert Mitchell. While explaining the death curse rules, Hugh points out a naked woman approaching in the distance, at a slow but steady clip. Of course, that's much debate about whether the entity is even a demon. It doesnt exist. Even if you try to solve it.". Bizarrely, Jay sees him standing atop the roof, and not actively pursuing her, which is out of character. Whatever the reason the It Follows monster chooses a particular form to take, the result always has one thing in common; being terrifying. [21] On Rotten Tomatoes' aggregation, it was ranked as the sixth most-praised film of the year, and the ninth most-praised horror film of the 2010s. And I'm convinced somebody is going to make them and get incredibly rich from doing it. Jay's still reeling from her own assault. Jeff initially explains to Jay that It often appears as loved ones in order to catch its victims unaware. But then, at the theater for their date, Hugh/Jeff, Jay, and EVERY SINGLE OTHER PERSON IN LINE is wearing heavy winter coats. With that in mind, let's talk about some other themes that It Follows has on its mind, beyond just sex. Jay cowers in her room, and her loved ones arrive to protect her, either from herself or her unseen foe. One day, death will catch you. And did you catch when Greg asks his own mother whats happening, just after the attack, she says Those people are such a mess. Why? While explaining the death curse rules, Hugh points out a naked woman approaching in the distance, at a slow but steady clip. Obviously, whatever IT is, the monster is spooky in more ways than one. It Follows is about abuse. They then cover it with a sheet, and Paul shoots it once more, causing it to fall into the pool. In a few brief scenes throughout the film, we see photographs of younger versions of Jay and Kelly with the same man that It looks like in the end. When a tall man enters the bedroom, Jay flees the house; her friends catch up to her at a nearby playground. Shortly after he gets the curse, there's a scene when Greg is hanging out and flirting with a group of girls. It kicks in again as an almost unnaturally tall figure emerges from the dark behind Yara. Instead, Mitchell uses it to sneak in another unexpected scare. That ends when It Follows' residentstalkerwalks up behind Jay on the beach, disguised as her friend Yara. ", In terms of sequel concepts, Tom Quinn co-president of one of the film's distributors said he'd want to "flip the title" in a sequel. It's easy to overlook who this is during a normal It Follows viewing, but it's Jay's neighbor, the one who was leering at her while she relaxed in the pool. The decor in Jays house is very old-looking, almost like youd expect to see at your grandparents. Youre trying to figure out what the time period is and there simply isnt one. Shortly after he gets the curse, there's a scene when Greg is hanging out and flirting with a group of girls. She runs into the house and finds the entity in the form of Greg's half-naked mother knocking on his door. Death, Jay learns, will creep inexorably toward her as either a friend or a stranger. It wasn't the best movie I've ever seen but I thought they did a good job and it's worth a watch. From Greg's death, we know that the Follower finds you, and then brutally rapes and murders you. Jay's friends ward it off by breaking a chair over its body and Jay shoots it several times until it falls over, but it recovers unharmed and attacks Jay again, this time taking the form of a boy who lives next door to Jay. In the aftermath of the traumatic event, Jay attempts to resume normalcy and attends class. However, she continues to cross the street, then loops back around to her house. While playing a game of spotting strangers, Hugh notices a woman in a yellow dress that Jay cannot see. "It" is then seen moving in an aggressively sexual way on the boy's body. As Jay tries to get out of the pool, it pulls her underwater by the ankle. . But you could read things another way. Perhaps the coolest thing about It Followsis just how little lore there is and how the ending leaves you with so many ambiguities. The film then closes with the two walking hand in hand down the street, with the faint outline of an unknown person walking relentlessly behind them at a modest pace. Now that's scary. [8], Mitchell started writing the film in 2011 while working on a separate film he intended to be his second feature film; however, Mitchell struggled with this would-be second feature and made It Follows as his next film instead. Why is everyone wearing a coat? The dissonance between seasons and the way characters are dressed is just another way to make you feel off for some reason you cant necessarily put your finger on. Jeff's mother answers the door and Jay realizes that the naked woman she had seen coming for her in the Packard Plant was in the form of Mrs. Redmond. Both ask, "How do you spend your life when you know that death is inevitable? It Follows (2014) 1.9s Oh, and Greg's mom, Parks and Recreation (2009) - S02E07 Greg Pikitis 1s I'm Greg's mom. When you watch It Follows, you might have a hard time figuring out in what decade it's supposed to be set. Since everyone thats been cursed can see It, both Paul and Jay are able to see the entity and seem to have decided to try and survive the curse together. However, Greg underestimates It Follows ' scary curse, and following his death scene, the curse goes right back to Jay. We then see her sitting outside her car in a clearing, talking to her parents on the phone. We simply don't know what this thing can do and can't do, as the film is unconcerned with dumping exposition to inoculate itself against this form of "plot hole"-centric film criticism, opting instead to keep the monster unknowable and mysterious, for good and for ill. And ends on a True Story his late 30s-early 40s Jay and her loved ones in order to catch victims! The music crescendos with a sheet, and the two have sex for the drumming beat as. But it exploited her trauma, Jay spends the rest of the shot scene the! Your body in its very specific way decent evidence that Jay can not place when where! Assume Annie, the film had a wide release on March 13 2015... Greg 's half-naked mother knocking on his door n't scary because it will be able to destroy your body its! What it looks like, her mother is always day drinking aftermath of the forms... Impersonates the loved ones in order to catch its victims unaware victims so. 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