if you surrender a pet can you adopt again

I agree with Shannon. No, there should 100% be exceptions for a ban. It this happened at the beginning there would be less dogs in shelters and rescues. Whilst also being a single mother with a baby? A LAW SHOULD BE PASSED SO THEY COULD NEVER ADOPT AGAIN!!!! One day we were in my bed and I was yelling at her to go to her room for kicking her sister. If a person abandons an animal whether through no fault of their own or because they dont care it still shows they are unable to care for another pet. They will do it again. If an animal is surrendered and its been abused, then the owner goes on the do not adopt list. Its called the pound, not the shelter. That's normal. There is also the issue of if an adopter sells or gives away their dog to another individual, claims their pet died then adopts another one. Buying from Petco is an ethical decision to make depending on the circumstances. So while I understand the negative reactions to a lot of the silly reasons people surrender their pets I'm cautious to lump everyone whose done so together. Its probably not a good idea to charge them or make it difficult to surrender because the will dump them. But keeping a list might be difficiult. So that any adopted dogs are abandoned it could be traced back to the human. The holding time at a shelter needs to be extended. No. Truth is, special or not, a majority of the dogs dumped will never again know what it means to have a family, to play with a toy, to enjoy a treat. We need to get the price down or offer affordable dental care clinics. If you cant do it to a child you shouldnt be allowed to do it to a dog. But they will find a pet elsewhere. There should also be a list for animal abusers too!!! Even when we found out I was pregnant and we knew it would be a struggle financially, we couldnt imagine giving him up to a shelter or friend/family. But, it was a problem for us. Nobody would deny that. I dont see how they can be stopped from adopting again other than a National Registry. An analogy can be drawn from pregnancy and abortion. I strongly believe that anyone who surrenders their dog, should not be allowed to adopt again. People who abuse animals should be on a Do Not Adopt list. In many counties, that is a citation with a court date. People live on very restricted budget. I personally have faced finding housing that would allow my dogs, a pit bull and a rottie, as a single mother with a low-ish income in a high cost of living area. As it was said above-when you adopt-its for LIFE. There should be a National Registry for these poor animals. If you are looking for a pet, Petco works with reputable breeders and animal rescue organizations to help bring pets in need of homes to their stores, so it is a great option for those looking to rescue or adopt a pet. So.they should NEVER be allowed to adopt ever again. People make mistakes all the time and people can also change and become better people. You are all heartless. But his veterinarian told us that if we couldnt pay for the surgery, the best thing we could do was take him to the Humane Society where they would do the surgery and adopt him out. I understand there are some circumstances that may make some people feel they can no longer care for or afford their 4-legged family member but for goodness sake, if you must throw away a family member, at least bring it somewhere it has a chance. It can be difficult to decide whether or not to surrender a pet in Florida, but you should be aware that it is not free. We have a year and half old Beagle who has stolen our hearts. Shelters are basically giving dogs away just to make room for more, only to get them returned. Each of them became part of our family, and each left us grief-stricken upon their passing over the rainbow bridge. Then what do you do if you try to find that cat or dog a new home and you are unable to do so? I know dogs bring me SO much joy and have taught me so much. Absolutely not! You dont get a dog unless you are prepared to be a parent, because thats what you signed up for. Now, would I ever surrender my dog no matter what the circumstances were and I respond, NO WAY! So they can get tired of another innocent animal and yet another animal is murdered?! To just turn around and surrender them to be euthanized? what country doesnt allow dogs/cats?). I tried treats. Not a killing shelter as a way to solve the persons problems. 52,564 were adopted but 22,925 were owner surrender and adoption returns. Some people are older and see no other way. I got a dog not knowing the extra care it needed but is it hard but I would never give her up. There are serial dumpers love them as puppies then not after they grow, people are cruel and should not be allowed to do this! 1.) I will in time get another dog. So this story is missing something. NO WAY SHOULD THEY BE ALLOWED TO ADOPT AGAIN. But all of that is irrelevant if you've already taken the plunge and adopted without fully. How about taking your outrage out on them?! No, they should not be able to adopt again. Two trainers, two behaviorists, medication and a LOT of patience. Absolutely. In Florids we have hurricanes and Anyone could become homeless at any moment and have to stay at a relative or friends home perhaps dog could not stay there and owner would have to take him to a No kill shelter and hope that he would get a good home. Some dogs show radically different behavior in a meet & greet than in a home. Wendy ended up being homeless and while she cared very much for her dog, Lucy, she felt that she couldnt give Lucy the kind of life she deserved. Some pet owners think that when they surrender their pet to a shelter that the pet will be loved and spoiled for as long as it takes to find them a homethe truth is often quite different. IF I had a bigger dog,or my 3 rescue girls now.I dont know. They gives us their love unconditionally, and their loyalty. He is one of the people that should be allowed to adopt after surrendering a dog, but it all depends on the circumstances. People should treasure the time they have left with their dog as they get older! NYC ACC kill dogs every day. Once all spaces are filled, pets are placed on a waiting list. The shelter accepts all animals from residents of the city of Seattle. There are alternatives and often it takes time to rehome. And dont just trade tears take action go to rescue places tell them you are monitoring and you want to see their books all non profits must make their books and facilities open to public inspection. If abandon surrender abuse or kill this animal you will be fine $2,000.00 or face jail time So one cannot make a judgement just because they are giving dog to shelter, What about those people who would love to be able to keep their dog but due to current unfortunate circumstances (loss of job, home, illness), can no longer care for the dog? Perhaps we should ask the vermin dumping their Dogs at a kill shelter to add their kids too. There should be licensing requirements and if an abandoner tries to obtain a license, heavily fined. Intake staff can become very busy or may not be able to answer the phone due to handling an incoming . The last behaviorist we went to explained that there was no reliable way that we could change his behaviorhe was not a normal dog. While I do like to see homeless people keep their dogs, not all homeless people can, especially women with children. No way. Should I never be able to adopt again because I made the heart-wrenching choice to protect the life of my cat by returning my dog to the shelter, where she had a chance to be adopted by a family who didnt have a cat and would be able to love her without putting another animals life at risk? I have pet insurance but I have still had many expenses for her not covered or falling within the excess of the policy. When dogs and cats are valued more, not just a throw away thing, then the horrible turn over rate will decline. I simply could not deal with him being fostered out so I brought him home. It all depends on the circumstances, doesn't it? Many animals are there. Absolutely not! These poor animals go through so much anywayhow cruel to put them back into a shelter only to die. When you get an animal you are making a life long commitment, just like having a child! Animals are precious and depend on us for love and care. Hed move 30-pound cinder blocks to cut through holes hed made in the fence. If it was your child would you turn it in? There can be many reasons that people have to give up their pets, some have no choice. People go through hard times or try to do the best for an animal the only way they know how. Why let them adopt again? Maybe make it like a bankruptcy, so that for 3 or 5 years you cant adopt again, but if at that time you seem to be stable, you can. If people were not aloud to adopt after surrendering their pet, many many many more pets would not be adopted & this could even help the stupid puppy mills. Absolutely NOT. Absolutely not. She had mamory cancer, heart worms, and a thyroid problem. Example: Dog needs several thousands of dollars for cancer care. I dont think you can make an absolute rule about this, because people surrender dogs for a variety of reasons. Perhaps some had convinced themselves that their dog was special and someone would adopt him/her right away. There is a place here in NJ that people surrendered their pets because of economy and struggling to make ends meet. Conditionally, yes they should. If someone finds a stay and turns it over does that mean they shouldnt be allowed to adopt one later? When you adopt a dog, you make a commitment to that dog; a commitment to love and to cherish it, to give it the life it deserves and to overcome any issues that dog may have issues undoubtedly caused by other humans. Obedience Classes, Seminars, andPrivate Consultationsare available for varying levels of training and behaviour issues. They can start a Facebook group and link it to their website to encourage residents to follow whats going on and help them promote the animals available for adoption or those in need of donations for medical care. I dont think anyone that surrenders a animal at a kill shelter should never be allowed to adopt again.Because whos to say they wouldnt do it again.Then another dog has to suffer the same fate. I have my baby since she was a pup she is now 12 and I would never think of giving her up because shes old, she also is diabetic and I give her two shots of insulin a day every 12 hours and that means that there are times that I could not go someplace because I need to be home to make sure I give her, her shot and thats okay because she is my baby and I love her more than I could ever express. It was the hottest day of the day and they somehow got out in the middle of the night. We require the legal owner of the animal to perform the surrender. People take jobs and lose jobs but are expected to find work again. Hell NO,,, if you can just dump a beating, breathing, living being then you dont deserve another. Even Petsmart Charities Tom Cramer has done this, and he is one of the forerunners in animal sheltering). My dog was fine with the idea of a cat joining the family. We got our first dog from the humane society when he was 16 weeks. I agree they are family and for me, they come first. I have also adopted 9 cats & I still have them all. Then one day she was sitting on my lap and was trying to get my husbands attention. How about some food for pet programs and maybe some vets who would give reduced prices so that people who really could enjoy the companionship, could have a pet. If I had kept her, it wouldve been a death sentence for one of the other animals in my home. Dont want to hear any excuses about working full time, I was and yet I loved her so much I had to do the best I could for her. That person should be allowed to adopt again. Of course they should not be allowed to adopt again. How glad I am! I feel no one that gives up there pet should be able to adopt again for at least 15 yrs. 10 years?). Even if I go with a cat instead of a dog? I am so grateful to the God and vet. Animals are not toys, or accessories that one gets tired and turns them in or dumps them out in the wild to get killed by other animals. People who condemn and judge the people who relinquish only hurt animal welfare and give animal shelters a bad name. To me that is the same as animas cruelty. During this time, every member of my family and quite a few of our friends were growled at and bitten. Maybe under extreme circumstances they lose their job and have children to feed. I know some people who do this a lot and it makes me so angry. Unfortunately, the dogs were found (together) just outside of the neighborhood associations radar. At the time, of course, my mom was telling herself (and us kids) that of course they would find good homes. So I dont have an answer, just dont be so strict with surrender requirements that people will resort to more pet dumping in the country. Majority of dogs will be put to sleep? You surrender 2 pets ever in a lifetime (at different occurrences), no adoption allowed EVER againyes, ever again. I definitely dont think an amount of years should be put on it. Then six months later, they found a job that provides them a strong income again. We dont know the circumstance. Should you just say oh because you did this now you cant have another dog through addoption!!!!!!!!!!!!! What if they cant afford to get it the necessary shots, food, or medical attention that it needs to keep it healthy and they surrender it to a no kill shelter or rescue? If you are going to do this take them to a No Kill Shelter there is at least one in every city. We are seeing far too many Sr dogs being dumped because they are too cheap and lazy to do right by their companion. Now her comes a dose of reality, if the animals doesnt make it to our house, it may end up a farm that uses 3s method of animal removal. If the surrender is because of change of circumstances, like moving to where the landlord wont allow dogs in their rental, yes, but what should be required is a letter from the landlord concerned stating no pets allowed, etc., or if people move from one country to another for work & cant take their pets, that again can be provable, but not repeat offenders. I dont how people could just get rid of their pet like yesterdays garbage. Surrendering a dog is better than dumping it off in the country. No they should not be able to get another dog. Anyone that dumps a dog at a kill shelter no, there are always alternatives. And I should be judged based on that? While . Too many cases of the act comes a ban of being a pet owner. On the other hand, it is important to keep adoption initially affordable enable to get pets into homes. He was re-adopted and I pray hes happy and treated well. Hell no! There needs to be a national DO NOT ADOPT list for every state. If they are not been able to take care of the dog/animal, of course this will be special circumstances. I would move heaven and earth to keep my pet under any reason. Never say never Sometimes people actually grow up and understand and regret what they have done in the past. Done it once probably do it again! However, sometimes our circumstances change in ways we couldnt have foreseen. I dont know that a time limit would work but the guy who tortured Caitlyn never is too soon. She is a Jack Russell, terrier mix. I am under severe stress wth a husband who has cancer. If you surrender it knowing it will more than likely be euthanized then you dont deserve a pet rock let alone another live animal. I feel that the big picture should be examined. Those are the idiots who should not be allowed to adopt ever again, and whoevers managing that shelter needs to go for allowing such a practice. But I would worry people would just dump there pets on the streets or give their pets away on Craigslist because they feared being branded for life. Some people just dont know any better, or dont know of any other options. So how dare anybody tells me I should not adopt again.I grew up with dogs all my life.these dogs have a bad reputation because of humans. Your dog/cat is now in a shelter that is loud and lit. I dont think so I guess it would be differant depending on the circumstances but pets are for life if your not willing to stick your neck out for them then you probably shouldnt have one.. Something that makes me so mad is when people surrender dogs because they get to big it is like if you didnt want a big dog then why did you get it.. People should really do their research before they get an animal. There should also be a list for those who abuse animals as well!!! Shelters really do want the very best for your dog. Thx for Listening . If they did it once they will do it again! How the humans in the piece above could line up QUEUE UP for their dog to be killed is beyond me. I suppose it really depends on the circumstances. Unless there are catastrophic medical issues there is no reason to not keep your dog forever..Unfortunately, this would be near impossible to enforce. They should be red flagged! It all depends on the situation. I would have to know the circumstances. I imagine that the way they treat other people can only be marginally better. I also give a pass to people who adopt an adult animal only to find that they were a danger to someone else in the home. If its foreclosure, please try and find a Rescue if possible. Domestic Cats - $50. But I refused to put him in a shelter, if a rescue group was able to take him in and he could go into a home I would do that. Lifetime prohibition against ever having a pet again is proportionate. The worst scenario is where a pet has been abused and, because of the short stay duration, is euthanized before any action can be taken thus destroying evidence. I dont think they should be allowed to adopt again. If you the shelter is too hard on adoption requirements the person will just buy a pet from a pet store or from Craigslist. Once you surrender to a shelter that should end your opportunity to ever have another pet. Unless you are ready for that, dont put an animal through what that lack of commitment can mean for them. Surrendering a pet can be an incredibly difficult decision. No one is good enough for their dogs. I just read a story this morning where an A** hole surrendered his 6 year old dog and then adopted a puppy. While circumstances such as these, and others, may be overcome by many, for a few they will be unsurmountable. This doesnt need to be a law if every shelter or rescue requires it as part of the process, like the adoption application. Both are more dangerous than being kindly euthanized. NO. This is no different. I think all pet owners should have a plan (in writing such as a living will) in order for when they are no longer able/capable to care for their pet due to illness/death, etc. If we decided to work with them, we could drastically lower relinquishment rates, and save lives. I look at those pictures with them at a shelter or in a cage instead of their homes, people who do that make me sick. I think there should be a registry for this, just as there should be a registry for animal abuse. They need to be listed on a national Do Not Adopt registry for other shelters and rescue groups to reference. Please call around. Answer. was it fair for one of them to be bitten? my gut reaction is no even though I know that there are sometimes extenuating circumstances. Sorry for the long post but NO-NO MORE ADOPTIONS AFTER SURRENDERING A DOG!!! Nowadays, too many people are totally irresponsible animal owners . I have 2 rescued fur dogs ,I was thrown away or she ran away but shes mine for life ,I rescued a chweenie 2 weeks ago from petmart ,I have a chawawa who will be 7 in oct., I dont know what I would do if anyone who them or they got lost which would neve happen for they are leashed or in fenced back yard with me with them anyway , as for being able to adopt again, there are many reasons that a person would give up there animal ,sickness in the family ,elderly people and family dont want them, I read a week or so ago someone adopted a dog and it was to hyper for them ,so they wanted to trade after months , to me ,in this I would say no., this isnt a game ,this is an animals life ,for better or worse , good or bad, its like a child ,when you have 1 you cant shove it back in and say im not ready for you ,to bad ,tough shit ,sorry, when you are given ,buy, or adopt any animal its your for there rest of there lives ,there should be in a computer your information ,to keep take of you and the animals you adopt ,I feel that there should be no kill shelters , I feel each state should help be responsible for shelters , vetting ,feeding ,no person or animal ask to be born ,but , they all deserve a chance at a life ,,, to many animals these days get adopted for all the wrong reasons ,there should be a check up list of sorts ,to many are adopted as bait dogs ,for evil people to fight then against each other ., there should be a good reason why any one gives up an animal and a wait list for 1 yr or more before they can adopt again ,,,,,,,. I tried rehoming him to avoid a shelter. He wanted to run, and that wasnt that bad in my mind. No dog/animal should be given to a furever family that either going to give the dog/animal back at any time!!! DogingtonPost.com was created for the love of dogs. Everything, I thought, was going as planned. As your word is your honor! When you arrive for your appointment, be sure to have your ID, important pet-related documents (such as vaccination records), and a form of payment ready. You better have a very good reason! NO ABSOLUTELY NOT !! Think about it: where do you suppose all these people got their dogs in the first place? No. Maybe a better screening process is needed. No, I wouldnt let someone turn in a dog because it was too old and adopt a puppy, but there are people who people who, because of illness or homelessness, feel they cant care for a dog properly and therefore are taking the best of several bad choices. (Im guessing hes more likely a toddler, cause his life-stage became somewhat vague too, going from snapping at your baby to snapping & biting your son twice, and I bet my entire savings had your dog bitten your baby, ie, new-born/infant, just the once(! not in a million years would like to put them in a kill shelter world would be a better place without them. Yes sometimes a particular animal is not a good fit for the home maybe the family needs a dog that doesnt shed as much or doesnt bark as much or is more friendly towards small children so they should be given an option to find a pet that is a better fit for them. . They would only throw them out in the field, parks, highways to fend for themselves. To me there is no difference. People with good reason can find a no kill shelter a rescue organization or a family member. She has been on medication since I rescued her from the pound at 8-9 years of age and having been run over by a car. Having surrendered many years ago and not lying on my applications, I was not approved. Shelters need to show the same compassion to humans that they claim to show yo animals. Their unconditional love for me demands the same in return. I do not believe that someone who gives up a pet should not be allowed to adopt another pet, nor purchase from a breeder (back yard, pet store what have you, but these are only in it for the money so a lot harder to condemn) However, I strongly feel that rescues and shelters should be able to provide assistance when it comes to tough times. I probably should have thought better the second time; I really believed my cat would be OK with a dog as she had before. These people rate right up there with child abusers and should definitely not be allowed to adopt ever again. I have a dog from that south Fl shelter. Having a pet, is a commitment that requires feeding, training, walking them, taking them to the vet for regular check-ups and vaccinations, among other things. I have been the shelter shepherd for a non-profit, no-kill sanctuary for 10 years. It broke my heart and I think of him every day. If you are not ready or unsure, then move on! I think it should be judged on a case by case basis. A Zebra doesnt change its stripes. However, there are some legitimate reasons such as a pet that has become terminally ill or extremely aggressive, or a person who loses all sources of income for an extended period of time and can no longer care for the pet. I hate to be judgmental and try to imagine being in such horrible circumstances I could turn a beloved pet over to be killed if you cant imagine doing this with a child how can you imagine it with another family member? Unless its someone who is ill and can no longer care for their beloved pet or a soldier who might be deployed different story by all means surrender your pet but just make sure its a shelter that wont euthanize it I picked them up and took then to a NO KILL shelter. In changing their lives, my life has been enriched dramatically. These people do not deserve the companionship of animals who would put their owners life before their own in a dangerous situation. I cried the whole way to the shelter, throughout the surrendering process, and on the drive back. First dog from the humane society when he was 16 weeks sorry for the long post but NO-NO ADOPTIONS... Or dont know that a time limit would work but the guy who Caitlyn. Find work again ever have another pet at the beginning there would be a registry. Legal owner of the other animals in my bed and i respond, no way should be..., every member of my family and quite a few of our family, save. 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