We shared a bed which she wasn't very happy with but it was either that or the floor so she agreed to share because I was still quite scrawny for a demigod child. They did it together whenever their schedule with Percy collided and the child woke up crying. There they are to read several books about the past and future of Percy Jackson in the hopes of making a better future. But I don't think he will be granted immortality. The boy seemed to change everyone around him in a good way. "Can you show me Zoe's special present now Water Baby?" You have broken your scared oath?" There are currently twelve major gods, the Olympians, who rule over the universe, all of whom are under . He said warily eyeing the gods making me chuckle. It had an inscription on it that read, 'When the darkness comes at night my dear. As Lieutenant of the Hunt, I was able to say an incantation which would bless the animal's species with two of the animal for each one that was killed. Reading TheSilverBoars Son of Artemis. The Greek Gods are a race of immortal beings who control the forces of nature and human endeavors. This child was born to a mortal and is son of Poseidon but he abandoned him and we do not care for the god any longer. It was Percy's first hunt without me and though he wasn't alone I was still nervous. Pertemis. He tapped her and yelled. Artemis quickly explained what was happening and she nodded though she was tense. And a buck at that you chose well my dear" I told him while ruffling his hair. Our only mistake was when we got too near the stream we were currently living by. "Now Artemis you know I am a peaceful goddess and mean neither you nor the boy any harm." I wonder how she knew about me wanting to talk to Apollo. I can make light now!" This is camp half-blood, home to all children of the gods. I lifted him out of the water and wrapped him in his favourite blue fluffy towel. Artemis has a hunt c. Trying to decide if he was acceptable or not. But I wasn't going to give away my secret or my mother would kill me if I was put in front of the gods. I couldn't blame him for being scared! he asked the god wriggling now to make Zoe drop him and beaming as he walked up to the enormous god. Reading Percy Jackson Series Metadata. They had been on a mission to save another stray demigod who was beside me. Half of her body crushed. The younger boy laughed "well Percy me and Thalia are just special like that." "Dear gods and goddess, before you dump the books, I suggest you read them. It was a wooden heart perfectly carved with a tiny silver bow within a hollow bit of the carving. 14. Ongoing. Would being around so many Gods affect my son? Suddenly I saw a silvery-blue light and stalked up to it quickly. He explained that he just knew what to do and couldn't really remember how he'd done it, so after he finished I picked the boy back up giving him Zoe's present back so he could hide it and strolled back towards camp with the boy on my hip where he rested his head on my shoulder, tired after playing with his pup almost all day long. Chapter 9 I slowly crept forward holding my bow when I heard the creature's footsteps. She suddenly quietened down and looked mock fearful. 22. I wasn't sure if the blessing would make my son more violent but still, it would help him in later life and keep him safe. My huntresses didn't like him but I know he'd like Percy. MoonMagic8, claire_rouge, buuubzzz, RoseBud26, Lilyhuxg, GlowingWinds, Pinkknight14, Abgthpc, Ahgras, Starly_Studios, Alexis4455, Talonea, Sock2324, MultiFandomTrash_6, PORTA_HOOTYHOOT, Kiwi_Sacrifices_2_the_Crow_Gods_of_Arson, Infinite_shadow, inezblue, TheMarksman, Wildwolf777, bellelone, Kelorus, Colts12broncos18, paranormal_potato, Michy19mj, StyxxsOmega, ironically_and_platonically, timelordwizard, AlexandrinaKaulitz, Winters_Suffocation, WrenCat13, TeamHermes, Slytheringyrl121, FanFicFan13, Pisky_Styx, LyingMuse, Crystalfire1234, Hadesgirlforlife, and Dr_221B - We were on a porch next to the beach which scared me quite a bit being so close to my father's domain Her eyes widened as we realized where we were and that's when a man in a wheelchair came up to us. For some reason the beast was moving very fast, we had gone all the way to Montauk Beach. The goat boy 'Grover' came up to my mother and bowed so low he nearly kissed her shoes mumbling an apology for taking her son. "Yes my little one, quite like that!" We reached the dining pavilion and took seats beside each other. On the beach, near the water. Work Search: We gave it to him smiling and he said he was sorry if he scared us and we assured him we were OK holding our arms up to show him we weren't hurt. Work Search: I was glad to be back with my family now though. "Ah it's nothing Arty really all I want to do is watch and help the boy he is very powerful and I am sure he will be a true hero being raised here by you." Gods and Demigods read Son of Artemis. Chapter 1- Percy the 'Special Case' He seemed to be attracting them with his strong scent as a very powerful Demigod. "And a very powerful child at that. Percy Jackson, the son of Athena and adopted son of Poseidon, is an enigma with dark past full of . I rushed over to where he had been facing to see whether there were any spoils. The 27 of July!" I was in the Underworld trying to stay as far away from Persephone after she had just turned me into a dandelion again, when a dark light the colour of Dad's robes caught my attention. Two year old Perseus 'Percy' Jackson has just woken up from his . 17. I was utterly surprise at how easy the task at hand had just become. In seventeen-year-old Mia's world, Greek Gods have certainly made their presence known. We both sighed and knew he would need exercising to suck all energy from the boy so we asked if he wanted to play a game of tag. He asked in a civil tone I never suspected possible of the war god. "L-L-Lady Artemis, P-Please keep my son safe. So if you had my blessing you would be able to wield any weapon and be very skilled when it comes to a fight. All in all the huntresses took to the child like wildfire. "What?!" Zeus straightened with pride thinking that he was able to summon mortals like that but answered "No, so introduce yourselves." Zo, obeying her mistress told them "I am Zo Nightshade, Lieutenant of Lady Artemis." Work Search: It has yours and your children's fate." Baby Percy here killed a hellhound on his own using the power of the sea. The gang finally finds out what happened while Percy was missing. He is a child of Poseidon and that untrustworthy idiot broke his oath and left his child and lover defenceless on the beach against the Minotaur! 23. Coz she aweys knows wat I been doin!" She was very protective! We gave him his bottle and lay him down on his bed. The logical side of me told me to leave it alone but the Huntress side was demanding to know what it was. she said looking between me and the child curiously. When he got in bed he woke up and asked for his bottle very quietly which was still on his nightstand next to his tiny bed. I flashed it away to my tent in my camp where the huntresses were right now before looking back at the boy still on my hip and seeing him clutching something is his hand. He was very stealthy thanks to Hermes blessing and the girls things went missing from time to time only to turn up in odd places like trees or even slipped back into their tent without noticing making them believe they were slightly insane. . Ongoing. Suddenly a large box dropped into the center of the room. I have a present for you!" Phoebe whispered the last bit and I smiled at her. The final book. Zeus&Apollobashing! This article is about the pantheon of gods. I had been hunting the Minotaur for days now on my own and had left the hunt behind because this was too dangerous for them. Percy is somehow dumped by Annabeth and becomes leader of an army from Chaos or another powerful deity. Just as Percy was getting tired of tag and took his pup back to the wolf tent for the night even though it was only 4 o'clock, he came over to me and asked if he could show me Zoe's present so I could tell him if she'd like it. left kudos on this work! All of the girls loved giving him a bottle now even more than before because Percy manipulated the milk to form images of things he had seen, in the milk! Though I hear you are already quite deadly with a sword called riptide!" I handed him over reluctantly and she put him on her lap lying on his back and put the bottle back in his mouth. 13. With the addi. "Bear toof!" "Yes I think I could go for a tuna sandwich right now" I smiled knowing my sons reaction at the gods request. Someone always had to stay behind when I wasn't with him but they didn't mind at all. There was a trident above my head! All of the girls enjoyed taking care of the little demigod and hunting within our group stopped for a while. she asked in a curious tone. "Milady. I pouted that my stare which could make Zeus quiver didn't work on the most annoying god of them all, my own brother. he said chuckling making Percy look at him oddly but he seemed to become more comfortable. The lightning thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians) Twelve-year-old Percy Jackson is on the most dangerous quest of his life. I was frustrated. "I will give you both the tour" he said and stepped out of his wheelchair to expose his full true body which was half horse! Hades and Poseidon called their wives and kid respectively. Finally, she had enough of the wrongful rule of the Olympians. "This is Ph-o-e-b-e" the boy looked at them both wide eyed and curious before opening his mouth and yelling as he threw his little chubby arms up towards their necks opening and closing his palms as though hoping to grasp something which made Zoe lift him up onto her hip. This is a fanfiction that, percy jackson becomes the new god of sky and thunder, and also the king of the . Great, I was stuck here until my mother figured out where I was and claimed me which was going to attract some weird attention from the children at camp here as Artemis was not allowed children. "Hahahahah yeah that was funny. I handed the child over to the girls warily who asked, "How old is he Milady two years old?" She had given the child her sword and told him the story on his sixth birthday when he killed his first buck. When I was done I checked out and took the trolley to the back of the shop. I took wonder in how he trusted me so much! I had taken a nap to revive myself and left the girls with Percy. How dare my father claim me. Zoe asked quite gleeful at the chance of having a baby brother. asked my brother and I growled at him. No he is not my biological son before you ask and is a son of my useless uncle instead. One night when I was awake just listening to the wildlife I heard Zoe crying and mumbling in her sleep. Teddy Bear || Assassination Classroom x Male Y/n L/n always has a teddy bear with him. Percy Jackson | Percy Jackson | Olympus Gods Artemis Apollo Zeus Hades Aphrodite Athena Hera Poseidon Demeter Dionysus Ares Hephaestus. She was looking at the child in admiration, "You speak very well for someone so young little one!" A reading about Percy's adventures while fixing relationships in Greek mythology, based of their personalities in the books. This is Hunter McReily's story. You just had a three year old make you a sandwich and then let him sit on your knee. Son of Artemis (Percy Jackson Fanf. The straw spilled out easily with a twist of my sword and I gave a yell. We fought the bear and I saved this for you!" . She shook her head exasperatedly but said "I am Thalia Grace." Hestia flashed away before the girls saw her but I let the goddess talk to my son whenever she wanted to after that which was at least twice every month. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits, 1. He was quite scrawny but not as weak as he looked. "Zee-Zee Phe-Phe I'm ok no need to worry. Having gotten through two books already, the Gods, demigods and others begin reading the third book. Please consider turning it on! Percy looked at Hermes caduceus curiously before turning his attention to the other god. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. They didn't come out of the tent until breakfast the next morning. Hope you all enjoy. Athena answered looking over the books. With the help of a satyr and a daughter of Athena, Percy must journey across the United States to catch a thief who has stolen the original weapon of mass destruction Zeus' master bolt. I turned my back on him for two minutes and when I looked again I saw him flashing into his mother's tent with two plates of food. It was true Zoe had let him try out riptide once or twice and he was a natural though the sword was a little too big for him just yet. He had been extremely easy to potty train. Read Percy Jackson: Son Of Artemis fanfiction written by the author TheGodSage on Webnovel, This serial novel genre is book&literature fanfic stories, . I had forgotten she was there and recoiled a little at the sight of the angry look now plastered on her usually kind face. Zoe and Phoebe rushed forwards to take him to the medical tent and called my brother to revive him. I was nine while she was 17 but looked 13. Will Hera survive intact? He pulled his bow up to eye level took a deep breath and held it before he let the arrow fly. The boys were mortal and were just out for a fight. 7. I was gob smacked to say the least. He was wary at first but as I knew he was a very ticklish boy, he giggled and squirmed before squealing with delight and yelling "No, no, no, no pweeeeeeeeeeeeaasse miss, stop nooooooooo. I relaxed and put my knifes away but still held the boy close. When we had caught breakfast which was elk and 2 rabbits, we cooked it and plated up, 18 servings in total which was 16 huntresses plus Artemis and Percy which was a rather small portion because he was so little. In moments they were on the floor clutching at many wounds as we turned to leave, only to have a goat boy jump out of a black van and shove the both of us in. I was jolted back to the present when Ares of all people appeared. I wanted to make a fanfic about percy already being a god in dc universe, he will be very powerful. The past gods are to read the adventures of Percy Jackson and his friends. "I Win! We all watched as they carried the young boy off to his bed who was protesting loudly. They returned and Phoebe set the boy down who was sulking at still being treated like a child. Chiron stepped out of the crowd with a puzzling look on his face but my mother was faster to talk than he was and explained. Then there's another series The Heroes of Olympus: The Lost Hero, The Son of Neptune, The Mark of Athena, House of Hades and Blood of Olympus. he announce shrinking back up against a wall. Persephone was given a throne next to Hades with black and red roses as a backseat with dozens of other flowers weaved in. YOU ARE READING. Artemis nodded " Alright then, I'll call Zo," and suddenly the Huntress was there. 'this demigod is Percy Jackson and don't worry time has stopped while you read this and in case you were wondering Zeus your future self approves of this plan. Artemis asked her. My son protested loudly at this though still not being able to stand up properly as he was exhausted and hammered Phoebes back yelling at her to let him down. and as I did all noise stopped. But not before story time or there would be chaos, as we knew from experience. He was looking straight up at the pair who had just arrived. All of the boys she passed leaned away realizing who she was and staring at her in awe. I ran to my son and picked him up just as all of the other girls tended to each other's wounds. Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan. Chapter 7 Browse through and read reading percy . Poseidon was the second male and fifth child of Kronos, the Titan King of Mount Othrys, and his sister-wife Rhea, born after . The girls always told him about their hunts over the years or the Greek myths and he couldn't get enough. What was Mom going to do when she found out? Percy muttered. The shunning, betrayal, and fall of a loyal one, a hero, a loved one, made him this- this man, this. Just then a silver bow and arrow came into sight above my head as well and knocked the trident away pulsing silver steadily as if it was angry. Chapter 3 "Dear confused and maybe angry gods and demigods, Three of you from the future along with these books have gone back about a thousand years at least, and you are there to read about a very special demigod while they were at a big war,'. I turned into a sparrow and flew into the next tree proud of my son for being the perfect hunter. Percy woke up crying about one of his sisters that had fallen thinking she was dead, she had been revived and now walked up to the both of us holding her arms up to the little child in my arms to show she was fine. The boys nudged the girl to go first. Read the most popular godpercy stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. Percy was looking more gleeful than ever and nearly bouncing up and down on the war god's knee but controlled himself. I hated it when people did that. I know he is male, but he is only a child. Help!" as well as Chapter 13 He was on a beach when his mother was killed. Read the most popular artemis stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. The godsand a few demigodsread Percy Jackson and the Olympians and Heroes of Olympus! "Well I have been watching him ever since he started stealing and hiding theses thing" said Hermes with a suspicious glint in his eyes, "And to say he's only three he is unlike any other child I have ever seen and stole them with the intentions to give them back may I add and no one seemed to notice him sneaking about. 16. Please consider turning it on! The day ran quite smoothly after breakfast and Artemis took Percy for a walk while we trained with our weapons and bettered our fighting skills that were a little rusty due to our baby brother's presence and all the attention he demanded. Percy and Annabeth have made it out of Tartarus, but the real war is just getting started. Zeus has made many mistakes but ignoring problem after problem making gods fade even his own children. "Mooooom" he whined and we all laughed at his embarrassment. We all knew he could breathe under water out of our experience with every single bath time we had ever been a part of and all of the open expanses of water that were nearby wherever we stayed which were hiding Percy 50% of the time we played hide and seek for like 3 hours until he came out beaming and yelling. At first I thought it meant a lover. I could see the silver through my eyelids and opened them once the brightness had died down. she smiled at him but he squirmed away from her gaze embarrassed of her knowledge of this and asked. Percy Jackson: Son Of Artemis SOA Book&Literature 87 Chapters 1.6M Views Author: TheGodSage. "Zee-Zee, Phe-phe" I smiled and dismissed them as they hurried off to show the hunt their new little, and very cute, member. Zoe picked him up and slung him over her shoulder making Phoebe and I laugh knowing the boy hated this as we only used it at bedtime when he wouldn't come willingly. Then Zeus nodded towards the other four demigods. I don't do fishy sandwiches but I can make a ham one if you want" the god laughed at this obviously recognising his power as that of a child of Poseidon. Patronned by Hestia, he will face the wrath of immortals and demigods alike throughout this 30-chapter story. What is that?" Read Chapter 27- That Girl from the story Percy Jackson- Adopted Son of Artemis (ABANDONED) by cupcakesandcakes369 (Cupcake ) with 5,891 reads. I makes littwl fires now, do you wike sandwiches?" He ran out towards the forest and created a small hurricane around himself. "Thalia? He could create small storms when angered enough and manipulate water quite well for his age. I smiled warmly and the worry vanished from his face. 1.3M 18.6K 31. Apparently I was ok because I was with them since I was a baby and had learned the right way to respect women. But remember when he refused to come out of the lake for bedtime. It was the winter solstice and Zeus was talking about some boring thing like usual and the four heroes Hercules, Perseus, Theseus and Orion were invited to watch. He had made the girls each a symbol of a bow and arrow with the tips of the arrows and bows itself being coloured by a different colour jewel for each of my 23 huntresses. I said dreaming about the boy growing up and being a hero but not wanting it to happen too fast. But my child would have to learn. I looked at the baby and noticed he was wearing a snap-suit with dolphins and fish on them and in the back of his neck it said in red 'Perseus' I had never liked that name and decided to change it to just Percy instead. Percy had trained her to play tag and it was their favourite game. With a light twang and my arrow went flying making contact with the creature's eye. Through two books already, the gods request gave a yell but said `` I am Zo,. That you chose well my dear lake for bedtime words > 1000 sort: hits, 1 13. 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