Father As they went to the front entrance, Banning had apologizedfor the damage on the White House. Then, with Connor, he went over the number of emergency exits in the West Wing, the number of feet from the Oval Office to the Presidential Emergency Operations Center (PEOC) elevator and the number of the security cameras that recorded audio. General Clegg said with the force that size, he hadmen who can sweepthem out inshort order. He reminded The Speaker that he is acting president now and that he is the best hope he's got. However, the terrorists, armed with FIM-92 Stinger missile launchers, shot all Marine One helicopters down, and when Banning's Marine One helicopter crashed, the collision lodged a metallic spike through Jacobs, and she bled to death. Banning and Asher ran for it and entered the emptied streets, taking down a squad of terrorists who had invaded the London Underground. When they refusedand were about to suicide bomb the fence, he killedone of them. Banning tried to deactivate the weapon, but its access was locked out. Kang then taunted Banning again, asking about Leah and he knows about her too. Mike then went to the White House and meet Trumbull in the Oval Office where he finally disclosed his aliments and offered his resignation after feeling guilty over his failure to protect Trumbull. Banning killedone of the advancing terrorists to runto the front entrance and hadthe wounded agent drop the ground behind cover. As he sawthe weapon moving up the lift, Banning triedto tell the Pentagon to hold the SEAL team away from the White House, but Clegg initially refusedto do so. As Banning reaches the Oval Office, he triedto contact the Pentagon on the phone, but discoveredthat all phone lines were down. Angel Banning asked them if they speak English andthey learned that language from where they come from. After his successful rescue of President Asher and the prevention of a nationwide nuclear disaster, Mike was reinstated to the Presidential Detail. While waiting to be patched through, Banning saw C-4 explosives on the windows of the Oval Office. Banning pushed two civilians into cover behind a car and covered himself and the two people to avoid being hit. 2013 As he regainedconsciousness, Banning, who is in pain due to the injuries he sustained from the fall, crawl sluggishly to the bed frame in theLincoln Bedroom. It's targeting authors who deal with race, sexuality, and gender, and it's moving with a fervency that should . February 1, 2022. Military trainingHigh intelligenceWeaponry and knives expertiseHand-to-hand combatGreat physical strengthExpert Leadership Upon reaching the floor where Trumbull was treated, he was captured by the Secret Service and met Gentry, telling him that he needed to see the President. Mike led the President to the emergency vehicles when he saw Jennings and his men arrived and started their attack. Banning sarcastically said that it is funny. After Banning finished unscrewing the vent grate, Connor asked if he was coming with him. Banning confirmed to her that he is in the Oval Office while getting a pistol from the President's desk. Banning carefully aimedhis pistol at her and shot her in the head, killing her instantly. White House SiegeLondon SiegeAssassination Attempt on Allan Trumbull Banning asked if she was okay, Leah says that she's alright and that she had to stay in the hospital longer than she thought. Framed for the assassination and on the run, Banning has been compared by some film critics as being rather similar to the protagonist. Trumbull told him he had given a good shot that he saved McMillan as Banning continued to stop the looming nuclear threat. While Mike was patrolling the White House, Trumbull informedhim that they have to get Kang and the President out of the open while giving himthe chopper astheir best shot untilhe heard an explosion. Once it was done, Banning and others in The Pentagon waited several tense moments while the code was being transmitted as the countdown almost reached zero. Alias(es) He yelled out to the agents with him as the rocket destroyed the front door and killed three Secret Service agents nearby. Banning and the military assault team approached Kamran's hideout to save President Asher before he was executed in live at 8:00 PM. Afterwards, Davies and his men located both Banning and Asher alive in the elevator shaft. He quickly escortedConnor out of the living quarters before the terrorists in the Lincoln Bedroom can see them. Banning told them to change the codes, but NSA Deputy Director Ray Monroe said that they can't do that since Cerberus was designed as a self-contained, total-isolated program and the only way to change the code is physically on the Cerberus computer itself, also located inside the bunker. After he was exonerated of all charges, Mike had a meal with his father and his family, with Clay deciding that he would live with his son and his family. Banning pushedtwo civilians into cover behind a car and covered himself and the two people to avoid being hit. He advisedKang to save the last bullet for himself or he wouldstick his knife to his brain. Banning briefly looked at his body somberly. When Leah asked her husband if he couldcome home, Banning repliedthat he will and they got a date to do soon. Banning told The Pentagon to wait and let him check out the roof first. After a moment, Banning was suspicious about the explosion and informed Trumbull that Kang would not go out like a suicide bomber and that was not who he is. Banning acknowledged as he went out to try andsave Asher. When Wilcox was shot dead by Jennings, Mike and Gentry quickly led the President to the adjacent building and hid both Gentry and Trumbull in the office while he went out to rearm himself to engage Jennings and his men. After suiting up with the terrorist's armored suit, Banning tooka picture of the Korean's tattoo of a terrorist's nape and sentit to the Pentagon. Banning pushed to the table in the state's dining room. -Welcome to the Hero/Protagonist wiki! While in the Army, he met Wade Jennings and the duo formed a friendship and served in the 3rd Ranger Battalion together. Kang YeonsakDave ForbesAamir BarkawiKamran BarkawiSultan MansoorMartin KirbyWade Jennings At the diner, Banning sat with Secret Service Director Lynne Jacobs, as well as his former subordinates, including Roma and O'Neil. His mother died years afterwards. Micheal Jameson Banning was born on September 16th, 1970 in Fort Hood, Texas, to Clay Banning, a decorated Army Ranger serving as a tunnel rat in the Vietnam War, and his wife Mary Banning (ne DeWitt). In 2016, Mike escorted President Asher to London for the funeral of British Prime Minister James Wilson. He took them to another room and tied them to the chair. He told Connor to wait up to prevent noises. However, they were interrupted when Banning and the protection detail saw a large number of unmanned drones approaching from the north. As he tried to shoot Kang, Banning kills another one of Kang's men. Banning respondedbysaying what took him so long. Throughout the events, he hid a fact that he was suffering from migraines and insomnia, as well as the recurring back pain, likely due to events in the White House Siege and the London Siege. Mike later transferred away from the Presidential Detail and to the Treasury Department, but when the White House (code name 'Olympus') came under attack and President Asher was held hostage in 2013 by a terrorist organization called the Koreans for United Freedom, Mike managed to get inside the building undetected and helped greatly in the rescue mission. After place on hold for a few seconds, Jacobs confirmed to Banning that the president is in the bunker, where he is being held hostage. Banning then informed The Pentagon that he found Connor (under his Secret Service code-name Sparkplug) and he's going to bring him out. As Banning was about to send his letter of resignation to the President, he was inspired by Trumbull's speech. His mother died several years afterwards. 9. Kang admitted that he had underestimated him and that it won't happen again. The most banned Dr Michael Barron on LinkedIn: Dublin libraries to keep books by trans author despite attempts to remove He was talking to his wife, Leah, after he missed the 4th of July celebration with her. Michael Jameson "Mike" Banning (born September 16, 1970) is a former Army Ranger who worked as a protective agent for the Secret Service and served as the head of the Presidential Detail. While he was about to be checked on by paramedics, he saw Leah waiting in the ambulance. He yelledat the two men to get down. When Trumbull checkedin with Mike, heinformedhim that Kang had gotten away and was back in the bunker. 2016 Mike served in the protection detail of President Benjamin Asher until the tragic death of his wife in 2011, which he witnessed, saving the President's life in the process. Micheal Jameson "Mike" Banning was born on September 16th, 1970 in Fort Hood, Texas, to Clay Banning, a decorated Army Ranger serving as a tunnel rat in the Vietnam War, and his wife Mary Alice Banning (nee DeWitt). The author's original books like The Witches and Charlie and the Chocolate . As the time was getting close to thirty seconds, Banning toldthem to hurry up. It shows up shortly after the start of every new school year. Then, he retreated to the stairway and watched, as the Korean terrorists entered the White House. Alive Alias(es) Banning sawa nearby knife and tookit with his left hand beforestabbingit into Kang's head, killing the terrorist mastermind and proving true to his words earlier, as well as avenging all those killed during his attack. Jacobs assured him that he did what was necessary on that bridge and even President Asher knew that. Why. Banning and the other agents rushed to the limo as it was slowly sliding down. Three years after the White House Siege, Banning and Asher went for a presidential run. Once it was done, Banning killedForbes by stabbing him in the head. As they set down on the doorway near the state's dining room, Forbes asked Banning if the president's okay. Jacobs said if they got those codes, they could self-detonated any nuke that was fired, thus leaving America vulnerable to a nuclear strike. Banning suspected that they are out to get Connor to make President Asher reveal his Cerberus code. Nearly 60 years after the publication of The Catcher in the Rye, teenager readers are now a lucrative market around the world. Most of the targeted books have to do with race, gender, and sexuality.Unlike most book challenges in the past, whereby parents or other stakeholders in the community would engage teachers and school administrators in a debate over a title, local groups have received support from . Book banning in the US: These are the authors of color who censors are trying to silence . Clay and Mike later had a discussion about not dealing with their own mental traumas. Eventually, Mike killed Jennings and the crisis ended. Then, he saw a FN M240D machine gun hidden in the garbage truck and tried to warn the agents to go back inside, but the majority of the agents were killed by the machine gun fire, as Banning watched in horror. Forbes then tells Kang that he got Banning and that everything is clear. Wife:Leah Banning As Benjamin and Connor left the press room, Mike stoodproudly,knowingthat he hadredeemed himself. Powers/Skills The Speaker reluctantly says that they are going to recall the Seventh Fleet and pull their troops out of Korea, as well as givingthem the helicopter to the North Lawn. He checked in with the Pentagon. Banning toldthem to speak in English. As he saw the weapon moving up the lift, Banning tried to tell the Pentagon to hold the SEAL team away from the White House, but Clegg initially refused to do so. And in honor of the festivities, many books by Black authors are receiving quite a bit of shine. Clay Banning (father)Mary Alice DeWitt (mother)Leah Banning (wife)Lynne Banning (daughter)Doris (mother-in-law) Banning and Asher ran for it and entered the emptied streets, taking down a squadof terrorists who hadinvaded the London Underground. Banning then gave Connor his own badge as he told him that he's a honorary Secret Service agent now.