He is also the same man who swindled Weston into buying the useless desert property. Whole body crashing. Ellis, the owner of the bar where Weston drinks, enters with $1500 and says he owes Weston for the sale of the house; Ella orders her son to throw him out. Downshifting into second for the last pull up the hill. They tell him that they have blown up the car with Emma in it. Ed. He tells Weston that he butchered the lamb for food, but Weston yells at him and shows him the newly stocked refrigerator. Curse of the Starving Class "balances dark comedy and biting satire in its look at a family fighting to stay alive," according to the Long Wharf Theatre. Mom screaming for police. She is a small woman wearing a bathrobe, pink fuzzy slippers, hair in curlers. Act Two opens with siblings Emma and Wesley hard at work on tasks that are interestingly, stereotypically gender appropriate: Emma is recreating her charts on how to properly cut a frying chicken (since her brother pissed on them in the last act), and Wesley is rebuilding the door that his father broke down. Since Ella is still under the impression that Wesley is Weston, Emerson and Slater also mistake Wesley for Weston. The man tells her that his name is Taylor and that he is looking for her mother. Feet stopping. The play opens on an image of the breakdown of the barrier between outside and inside, the shattered front door that allows all sorts of undesirable elements to enter the house. I listened like an animal. Whatever the cause, the Tates will do just about anything to raise themselves out of the downward spiral into which they've fallen. The conventions of dialogue in the play again present this mixture. Instead, it chooses to bring the eagle down, even if it means certain doom for the cat as well. As the play opens, she and Wesley are both surveying the chunks of the door broken down by her husband Weston. men who came back from the war, had to settle down, raise a family and send the kids to schooland they just couldnt handle it. That was what Shepard knew as a boy. Sound of door not opening. President George W. Bush proposes an energy policy that stresses greater production, but many citizens mistrust this policy because of Bushs and Vice-President Dick Cheneys ties to oil companies and the energy industry. As Ella calls her name out in a dream, Emma quickly leaves. Ella, in curlers, wearing a bathrobe, is angry with Weston for having broken the door during the night, but brightens at finding bread and bacon in the refrigerator. Ella has called the police because Weston threatened to kill her, but she doesnt leave right away; Wesley is upset that his mother has summoned outside forces to their home. However, we have dozens of other monologues that you can read. When Weston finally comes home, carrying a bag of artichokes that nobody really wants to eat, he discovers a live lamb that Wesley brought in because it has maggots. Wesley says that Emma doesn't want to do it just because she is on the rag, so she throws down her markers and gets up to add the water. Who or what can fill these people up? Weston tells Ella to let Emma go and then there is a bright flash and a loud explosion from outside. Ella wakes up, and a huge explosion offstage follows upon this. Ella is a highly dysfunctional individual with no capacity to cope with her husband's alcoholism. Sergeant Malcom is the police officer who arrives at the house to inform Ella that Emma has been arrested for riding a horse into the Alibi Club and shooting it up. Emma, angry, leaves. Then I heard him pull the brake. Then moving around through house. (The set design is by Julian Crouch.) The curse, as Ella puts it, of the Tate family is that they have nitroglycerine liquid dynamite running in their blood. date the date you are citing the material. Dad's a foul talking drunk, and Mom is desperately trying to save what's left of their family life. Weston then tells them that he has already found someone who will buy the land and pay in cash. Ella goes to the back part of the house and Emma goes to the refrigerator. Wesley then leaves and Emma returns, covered in mud after being thrown from the horse and dragged through the mud. Gale Cengage Emma is with him, and the two of them discuss the potential sale of the house and Ellas relationship with Taylor. He begins eating everything in the refrigerator. I could feel the headlights closing in. [3] The play was commissioned by Joseph Papp.[4]. Wesley tells Weston that his creditors are going to kill him. Another risk in weak productions of Shepards work is that directors will make too little or too much of his surrealism. DeRose, David J., Sam Shepard, Twayne, 1962. As the play opens, she and Wesley are both looking through the chunks of the broken door that her husband, Weston, broke in a fit of rage. New York: Performing Arts Journal, 1981. However, the tom cat won't let go because if it does it will fall and die. I could feel the presence of all the people outside, at night, in the dark. . Ellis grabs the money back from Wesley (feeling that now he is owed for the damage to his bar), and the act closes as Ella agrees to come to the police station to pick up Emma. With Curse of the Starving Class, Shepard moved more toward realism, to the social dramas of such classic realists as Ibsen. The dramatic means Shepard uses to present her underlines the theme of the play, the failure of communication, the failure of love, the failure of these individuals to nurture their young. Emerson is a minor character who represents the men that Weston is in debt to. Throwing the artichokes out, she fills the refrigerator. If there are two dates, the date of publication and appearance Seeking 2 Actor Team for Spring I picture him just sitting. Weston in new clean clothes and the lamb in its enclosure are on stage, and Weston is telling the lamb his story about castrating lambs and throwing their testes onto a roof for an eagle to eat. If there are three dates, the first date is the date of the original Theres a moment in Curse when a character says, after an exchange about enemy territory, Were all white, arent we? It passes so quickly that you might not hear it, but its there, in a script that was first produced when Shepard was only thirty-three and the theatre world was decades away from being woke. Thats what I treasure about Shepard: his matter-of-fact observations about where his characters stand in the worldobservations that also tell us so much about the world they inhabit. eNotes.com . Ella and Wesley react differently to Westons abuse. He is a wicked man, a villain in the story. If there are three dates, the first date is the date of the original 2023 eNotes.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Jump-start your essay with our outlining tool to make sure you have all the main points of your essay covered. Looking at the lamb carcass, she asks Wesley to help her remember the story Weston always told about the eagle. "Curse of the Starving Class - Literary Style" Drama for Students Upgrade to PRO He declares to them that he is a whole new person, and Wesley, finally stopped eating, tells Weston that the men who are after him are going to kill him. He tells her that as he put them on he could feel his own essence slipping out of him, and his father's essence coming into him. City-dwellers seeking lower taxes, lower crime rates, and less congestion came to these suburbs. . [7], Curse of the Starving Class won the 197677 Obie Award for Best New American Play.[8]. Returning, Emma asks, What kind of a family is this?. Results may vary. There are three acts. Cars line up for gasoline, and President Ford appoints an energy czar to head U.S. energy policy efforts. New landPlymouth Rock, California, Alaska, or anywhere in betweenis settled and cleared for farming or industry by rugged individualist pioneers; more people move near that newly desirable land, and towns spring up; the towns grow so big and encroaching that the rugged individualists feel crowded by city life (or are unable, economically, to survive) and move on to find new frontiers. Ella talks about menstruation as Emma, who is having her first period, enters. 1. eNotes.com After this outburst he passes out. The property requirements suggest a realistic, if not a naturalistic play. Just sitting. VerMeulen, Michael. Start your 48-hour free trial to get access to more than 30,000 additional guides and more than 350,000 Homework Help questions answered by our experts. The lamb is heard before the lights come up on act 3. Just from my Dad coming back. One foot right through the door. Further Reading The laundry is still on the table; a pot of artichokes boils on the stove. Cobwebs moving with them. Watt, Douglas, In the End, Emptiness, in New York Daily News, March 3, 1978. While Ella eats her breakfast, Wesley urinates on Emmas charts. Peacocks. Today: After riots, fires, a major earthquake, landslides, and flooding, Los Angeles continues to grow. California, especially southern California, is perhaps the best laboratory to examine this development. The Curse of the Starving Class Community Note includes chapter-by-chapter summary and analysis, character list, theme list, historical context, author biography and quizzes written by community members like you. The act ends with Weston (finally) waking up with a start, and Ella running out of the house. Alone, Ella stares at Weston asleep on the table; he sits up, they look at each other, she runs off, and he lurches toward the refrigerator, kicking artichokes out of his way. Ella tries to take the money from Wesley, but he tells her there is not enough to go to Europe on. The Castmates Who Make You Care in Beetlejuice and Tootsie. 1970s: Oil and gas shortages precipitate an energy crisis in the United States. Like so much else in Curse of the Starving Class, she is presented realistically, but there is a mythic quality to her character. Floating. Both musicals, based on immensely popular eighties movies, feature performers who help you see the narrative behind all the flash. . Our Essay Lab can help you tackle any essay assignment within seconds, whether youre studying Macbeth or the American Revolution. Weston enters, drunk, with a large bag of groceries. As Wesley and Ella argue, Ella speaks of the curse she sees operating on the family. Disease and sickness, and images of a poison circulating through the blood, complement the motif of inside/outside. My P-39. I could hear stock cars squealing down the street. Download the entire Curse of the Starving Class study guide as a printable PDF! goose eggs! . Emma picks up Ellas pocketbook, steals from it, and then tells Wesley that she is going to begin a life of crime. In the night. The speculators and developers then began building subdivisions in the areas immediately surrounding the city. Today, Los Angeles is one of the largest urban conglomerations in the world. Curse of the Starving Class premiered Off-Broadway at the New York Shakespeare Festival, on March 2, 1978, presented by Joseph Papp. . SHARE. Some critics consider it part of a Family Trilogy that includes Buried Child (1979) and True West (1980). He advises Wesley to do the same. We only provide suggested audition monologues or songs for an individual character if our system finds content that matches a character's traits. New York: Grove, 1982. During their argument, Wesley goes to Emma's posters and begins to urinate on them. "Curse of the Starving . WESLEY I'm doing it. The open spaces that once separated them have largely disappeared; similarly, the farmland that once was the areas largest economic resource has long since given way to other industries. Keys turned off. Emerson and Slater warn him to pay up. Continue with Recommended Cookies, Home | The Curse Of The Starving Class Monologue (Wesley). Ella falls asleep on the table and Wesley, dressed in Westons old clothes, enters. Hes woken up with dew on the hood before. Ella then asks Emma what she is holding and Emma reminds her that these are her poster for the 4-H project on how to properly cut up a frying chicken that she has been working on quite some time. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. date the date you are citing the material. Reading his plays is like taking a trip to the other side of town. Or are some families, Shepherd asks, just cursed before they begin? They swipe at each other viciously over their conflicting hopes and dreams until they rip each other to shreds. Ella has not returned from her meeting with Taylor. Foot kicking harder. Word Count: 1160. This act opens with Weston, who is now clean, and sober. Weston becomes grumpy and refuses to tell the rest of the story. all the upkeep! Emma is frightened by him, but Wesley tells her to stay calm. Wesley takes the money, offering to deliver it to the people his father owes money to. Urban Sprawl She appears to be the most bizarre character in the play, yet is also the most normal member of the family. I could hear stock cars squealing down the street. Emma begins a rant about how she raised the chicken and hand fed it every day, then killed and cleaned it and her mother has gone and boiled it. WESLEY keeps cleaning up the debris, ignoring her. sound like? Whenand where doesTheCurse of the Starving Class take place? Dogs. SymbolismCurse of the Starving Class uses symbolism a great deal, but Shepard uses it in a jarring way. *Our system only provides suggested monologues or songs for select characters if we have matching monologues and song information in our database. Ella believes that Emma has left on the horse, and is not overly concerned about her. to read our character analysis for Ella Tate and unlock other amazing theatre resources! Ellis enters, laughing at the passed-out Weston who is slumped on the kitchen table. 28 Feb. 2023 . Door slams. Wesley wanders in, dazed and naked, wet from his bath. Can you send me character analysis of characters of Sam Shepard's play "Curse of the Starving Class"? The last date is today's Authors Series, this book provides a concise introduction to Shepards life, short descriptions of almost all of his works up to States of Shock, and discussions of the themes and techniques that characterize Shepards work as a whole. 6162. Downshifting into second for the last pull up the hill. What does heartache for the wrong reason (is it ever the right reason?) The three of them converse tensely until Ella enters. Wheels screaming off down hill. But the people who came to Los Angeles did not want to live in the same kinds of overcrowded cities many of them had left back East. Feet and hands tearing. Ella tells Emma that the horse is crazy and that she is too young to leave home but Emma refuses to listen. Marranca, Bonnie, ed. A pop of metal. As she speaks, her daughter, Emma enters and joins the conversation in progress. Caught up in this are families such as the one in Curse of the Starving Class, whose land is coveted by subdivision developers like Taylor. Wesley embarks upon a long monologue narrating the events of the previous night before leaving, at which point Ella begins talking to nobody in particular about the start of menstruation. Still, Ella and Wesley both convey their hurt and their ambivalence toward Westons power over them. She has just started her first period, and has several mood swings during the play. At the same time, land speculators were buying the land of Los Angeles, Ventura, Orange, and Riverside counties and preparing it for residential development. Weston considers fleeing to Mexico, and Wesley muses about finding Taylor to get the money for the desert land back. Ella returns from jail, exhausted, to find Weston cooking breakfast for Wesley. Later, when Weston enters and finds only the lamb at home, he naturally begins a conversation. Man going insane. 14. . Breakdown; Suggested Audition Pieces; Videos; Related Products; Useful Articles; Breakdown. The second date is today's Car door slamming. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. He pulls out the $1,500, telling them that is the amount that Weston owes to some pretty hard fellas. Wesley tells her, when she asks if he is going to take over the role of Daddy Bear, that he feels himself becoming his father, that as he put on Westons clothes, he could feel something growing on him. Michael Venzor was featured in a 2011 Equity Showcase of "Curse of the Starving Class" by Sam Shepard. Heart pounding. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. Last Updated on May 5, 2015, by eNotes Editorial. View All Characters in Curse of the Starving Class, THIS FEATURE IS ONLY AVAILABLE FOR PRO MEMBERS. Our Essay Lab can help you tackle any essay assignment within seconds, whether youre studying Macbeth or the American Revolution. Westons only way of being a father is to exercise his paternal privileges, which, in Shepard-land, include wreaking havoc, fucking up your kids and your wife, and squandering the future; we learn by the second act that, in order to pay off loan sharks, Weston has already sold the property, to a bar owner named Ellis (Esau Pritchett, who has a lot of strength and appeal, though Kinney doesnt temper his performance, either). At the end of the play, the skinned lamb carcass symbolically suggests the sacrifice of Wesley, or perhaps Emma, to a malevolent force. Vol. Weston, once a pilot, is now an alcoholic heavily in debt. Word Count: 494. eNotes.com, Inc. He pulls out the. Feet. The playwright Sam Shepards matter-of-fact observations about where his characters stand in the world tell us so much about the world they inhabit. Emma, by way of contrast, often shouts her lines from offstage. Yes I am aware =)#Respecttheplaywright #ZakiyyahBG #Monologues#Bestmonologues #SamShepard #Curseofthestarvingclassmonologue #Ella Lyons, Charles R., Shepards Family Trilogy and the Conventions of Modern Realism, in Rereading Shepard, edited by Leonard Wilcox, St. Martins Press, 1993. They wanted large houses, cars, two-car garages, front and back yards. His mother, Ella (Maggie Siff), enters, wondering why her son is doing what hes doingcleaning up after the guy who broke the door down, otherwise known as Weston (David Warshofsky), Wesleys father and Ellas spouse. What he didnt know then, but worked out in glorious play after play, once hed found his vocation, was why, amid all the waste and destruction, a boys heart would still beat faster whenever his father drove up the road, a father confused about his family and his effect on them, lost to any idea of love, trying to catch dreams at the bottom of a bottle. [5] Ella sits up and screams, and Emma departs. Join StageAgent today and unlock amazing theatre resources and opportunities. The central city suffers while middle-class people flee to suburbs that sprawl ever farther into what was once farmland. Can you send me character analysis of characters of Sam Shepard's play "Curse of the Starving Class"? They finish the story, saying that a tom cat had come to sniff around in the testes and the eagle picked it up. He is the representative for several large corporations that are looking to buy up land. Shepard, though, does not define the familys curse just as a disease, though; this curse is more historical and supernatural, like the curses that afflicted the great families of Greek tragedy. Mom calling cops. Taylor says that any deal Weston makes is void because he is considered incompetent by the state. Ella re-enters with groceries and throws the artichokes on the floor. My Messerschmitt. New York, NY, Ages 12-17: Camp Broadway Ensemble @ Carnegie Hall Word Count: 958, Curse of the Starving Class begins with Wesley, in sweatshirt and jeans, tossing pieces of a door into a wheelbarrow. Gain full access to show guides, character breakdowns, auditions, monologues and more! Curse of the Starving Class: Directed by J. Michael McClary. He tells her it was the night's sleep on the table that fixed everything. It is shocking to see a live lamb on stage and even more shocking to see it bloody and dead; similarly, the centrality of the refrigerator to every scene and the constant opening and closing of its door reminds us of the theme of hunger and starving, but Shepard refuses to nail down its meaning for us. California suffers from rolling blackouts, and the major population centers of the East Coast are warned about similar blackouts or brownouts. He and Slater, another minor character, only appear at the end of the production when they blow up Weston's car for compensation. Weston is proud of Emma, saying that it takes guts to do something like that at her age. She climbs up and stretches out on it as Wesley, completely naked, enters. Taylor is in disbelief, and Ellis threatens him. The Word Is My Shepard. In New American Dramatists, 1960-1980. Eder, Richard, Theatre: The Starving Class, in New York Daily News, March 3, 1978, p. C4. Wesley then begins to gorge himself on all of the food in the refrigerator. He tells the children that he has found a buyer for the house, and Emma leaves abruptly. Perhaps thats the reason theyre stuck where they are: broke, hungry, and fighting. The set similarly incorporates both realistic and mythic elements. Ellis is a greedy charlatan who tries to cheat the family out of their house. The cast was as follows: The play was revived Off-Broadway at the Promenade Theatre, running from July 30, 1985 to February 16, 1986. Taylor arrives for his luncheon date with Ella; the children treat him rudely. Weston Tate is the father of the family and an abusive alcoholic. Weston tries to calm Wesley down, and to wake Ella up, but cannot seem to do either. Some population geographers see the U.S. cities of Los Angeles and San Diego and the Mexican city of Tijuana as one immense megalopolis, a mega-city with tens of millions of inhabitants. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Cond Nast. No sound. the maintenance!. Emma hates living with her family and repeatedly announces plans to leave home. 1998 eNotes.com I could feel this country close like it was part of my bones. Taylor leaves, and Wesley yells at the policeman to arrest him for being a confidence man. Then no sound. Note: When citing an online source, it is important to include all necessary dates. Taylor enters and talks with Emma, who calls him creepy. Weston tries to explain the poison to Wesley by comparing it to the way to you poison a coyote by putting strychnine in the belly of a dead lamb. Then a long silence. Wesley then tells Weston that Ella has also found a buyer for the house and Weston goes into a rage, and then collapses on a table and falls asleep. We dont see Weston for a while, but hes everywhere in this run-down home, or everywhere that violence and destruction have taken place, including in his sons and his wifes consciousness. New York, NY, Ages 12-17: Camp Broadway Ensemble @ Carnegie Hall He remembers a time he was castrating sheep and appeased an eagle by throwing testicles up on a tin roof where the bird could get them. She then becomes angry with the refrigerator and slams it shut. "Curse of the Starving Class - The Play" Survey of Dramatic Literature Emma Tate is the daughter of Ella and Weston Tate. Ella returns with groceries. Then I could picture my dad driving it. How old is Wesley in "Curse ofthe Starving Class"? Weston says that when he woke up that morning, after sleeping on the table, that he felt like a new man and walked around their property naked to reclaim ownership. The play alludes to the golden age of motoring when Ella's prized Packard is mentioned, and also blown up, which signifies the . I could feel myself lying far below them on my bed like I was on the ocean and overhead they were on reconnaissance. Wesley begins a monologue narrating exactly what he saw and heard happen from the night before. 2003 eNotes.com Weston stumbles in, drunker than before, announcing that he has sold the house to Ellis. Sam Shepard's coming of age drama about a dirt-poor 1950's-era farm family. In the fridge, she finds some bacon and bread and, as she fries up the last of the familys meat, Wesley thinks about himself and his father and recalls a memory: I was lying there on my back. Today: The U.S. again faces an energy crisis, but this time the shortages and exorbitant prices affect electricity. Wesley exits at the sounds of his fathers approach. Weston asks the lamb a question or twowith no door on the kitchen, is he inside or outside, meaning does he still have power over all that he surveys?before starting to complain about how little his family can do without him. As Wesley and Ella argue, Ella speaks of the curse she sees operating on the family. It is the next day. Joseph Chaikin & Sam Shepard May 18 2022 Friends since 1964, correspondents since 1972, playwright Sam Shepard and director Joseph Chaikin established . The curtain falls as Wesley and Weston discuss how to rid the lamb of the maggots that are infesting its digestive tract. Ella talks about the curse that is plaguing their family. Disclaimer: Some of the articles on Mighty Actor include affiliate links to sites like Amazon, Skillshare, and others. 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